Quite concise, I must say. But you forgot that you've not posted a general method. All these settings (username & password for router, bridge mode settings) are not general, they depend upon ISP. And also while setting up bridged mode, the DHCP server has to be disabled from LAN settings in router, otherwise it may cause a conflict with the PC settings. After the router settings, you have to change the TCP/IP properties by going to
Control Panel>>Network Connections>>Local Area Connection(or whichever is your default connection to the internet)>>Properties>>General>>Internet Protocol Properties
Here use following settings-
IP address - (instead of 2, you can use any number b/w 2 - 40)
Subnet Mask -
Default Gateway -
For DNS servers, you can use any DNS servers , I personally use Open DNS servers -
Then go to Network connections in Control panel >> Create a new connection >> connect to the internet >> setup my connection manually >> connect using broadband connection that requires username & password >> Put in the ISP name >> put in your username and password >> add a shortcut (will make it easy to find after setting up the connection.)