Confused in i5 and Phenom II X4


laborare est orare
My suggestion is also a single 4 GB stick. In Kolkata now a days they are available @ 2.2K+Vat. Get the Corsair 4 GB 1333 MHz CL9 one.


Broken In
^^ its better if u go for a single 4gb so that u have more slots more to upgrade in future.

And for motherboard and processor-core i52400 + asus h67 mle(mobo) @ 17k wud be a gr8 choice.

Ok going for 4gb single.

i5-2400+Asus H67 M PRO (more feature than M LE) = 17.2K(Here in Nagpur)

If any prob with Asus P8H67-M PRO, I'll go for Asus H67 M LE.
Pls tell me, is there any.

Any more suggestion, then pls give it.
Going to buy on 27th Jan.

And also tell me which antivirus software to buy. I am using broadband.
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Its sole Choice of User to decide, how he/she wants to categories the stuffs.
Just remember OS performs better when atleast 15% of OS partition space is empty :)


Broken In
Thanks guys for all your suggestions.....

I Finalize....

Intel Core i5-2400 3.1GHZ - 9.5K
Asus P8H67-M PRO - 7.7K
4GB DDR3 1333MHz - 2.3K
1TB Seaget - 2.8K
Corsair VX450 PSU - 3.7K
CM Cabinet - 2K
DVD-RW LG/Sony - 0.95K

Mobo and PSU not available here, so ordered it from mumbai.
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