Configuring new System help required

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Down to Earth
Re: *onfig*ring new System help req*ired

Thanks a lot to both of yo* Hellgate and Keith for enlightening me.

serio*sly eager to hear from yo* abo*t remaining *omponents to be *onfig*red.
eg. GP* within 8K as i *an spend more now. also abo*t L*D s*reen. is my *hoi*e is right abo*t dell ? *an it be s*itable for photo editing and gaming ?
Please also s*ggest some very des*ent looking *abinate and power s*pply.

anti*ipeting for yo*r reply. . .


Rising ApocalypsE
U are always welcome!
Dell LCD's are nowdays providing 5years warranty and their services are also good, so as their quality.
I suggest 19" LCD will do for u and shell out 1500/- more to get a 9600GT, no card is good in 8000/- price range, or u have to settle down for 8600GT or 256MB HD3850. No good both of them.
And for 19" LCD, 9600GT is the best bet, best gaming on that LCD.
As for cabinet, go for CM 330 for 1800-2000/- without PSU.
CM Xtreme 500W or POV Black Diamond 500W or if comes in budget Corsair HX450 or VX550 or . Not sure if VX550 available in India but will be little expensive but worthy!
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At Hell's Disq
for psu go with CM Extreme Power Duo 650W (supports crossfire and SLi).
for LCD i wud suggest HP wud cost 12k and theres only 1yr warranty but the picture quality is damn good,much better than any lcd that i've used till date.
for gfx i wud suggest a 8800GT over a 9600GT anyday.the xtra 2-3k is justified.


Rising ApocalypsE
He clearly mentioned he only have 8000/- for the graphics card.
Palit and POV 9600GT is for 8800/-. So u have to churn out 800/- more.
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