Configuring new System help required

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Down to Earth
Dear members & all others tech expert Please help

I want to build a new system based on Intel Core 2 Quad Q 6600
I intend to use it for documentation, image editing entertainment and moderate gaming. I would like to have atleast 19 inch LCD which suit with my uses. The main confusion is with the choice of mother board. I don't understand which MoBo is best and future proof at least for few years. Means upgradable?
Please suggest me the right board
other thing I want now are

DVD writter Dual Layer
A graphic card enable me to play new games
2 GB dual channel RAM
Nice input device Multimedia key board and a mouse

MY budget is 45000.

Please help me build my new system

Thanks in advance


Living to Succeed
Q6600 ( this will help in Multimedia softwares like 3D max)
Abit IP35 Mobo
2 X 1 GB 800MHz Transcend/ Kingston ram
250Gb Seagate HDD
8600GT Geforce Graphic card
450Watts Corsair VX450
Cooler Master 330 cabinet
19" Samsung/ Dell monitor
Logitech Keyboard + Mouse
Samsung 16X DVD writer


E8200 or E8400 Processor
ABIT Ip35-E Mobo
2 GB Transend Ram 800 Mhz
250 GB HDD
600W Coolant Master or Corsair
22 Inch Dell Moniter
Sony DVD Writer


Down to Earth
E8200 or E8400 Processor
ABIT Ip35-E Mobo
2 GB Transend Ram 800 Mhz
250 GB HDD
600W Coolant Master or Corsair
22 Inch Dell Moniter
Sony DVD Writer

Thanks for replying
Is ABIT Ip35-E is better than asus bord Whats the price of it.
I have a very little knowledge about MoBo variations

what about asus P5N-ESLI AND asus P5E3 Delux

Can you please explain what are these varient mean :

NVIDIA 680i/650i based MoBo
Intel P35 Chipset based and
Intel P965 Chipset based MoBo

What are the difference between them ?m which is better ? Why ?


Intel P35 chipset is much better than all the other varients u have mentioned there. Stick to P35 , Abit IP35-E costs aroud Rs 5700 /- in bangalore.

From my experience people usually are very careful about the main components but neglect the Cabinet and SMPS. Dont do it or it will give u problems in long run.
Abit IP35-E means abit Intel 35-E is it ?

which is the best chipset? rather listing like say top 5 etc. ?

BTW mobo - long form? what it means ?

what is SLI ? too many Qns? nvm, please answer it :)


At Hell's Disq
Abit IP35-E means abit IP35-E.why sud it mean Intel 35-E?its an Abit mobo based on Intel P35 chipset.

theres nothing like best all depends on ur budget and wat u wanna do with ur pc i.e ur primary objective.

SLI - Scalable Link Interface.its nVidia's solution for using 2 or more gfx cards reqs SLI capable mobo.


Down to Earth

Can you suggest one or two good mobo within 10000 bucks

Intend to use with Q 6600 for multimedia, moderate gaming and movies too.

I wish it to be expandable.


Down to Earth
Processor and MoBo are decided.
Q6600 and Abit IX Quad Gt

Now please suggest Graphic card within 6K
and Display within 12K

Thanks for helping

forum is turning out great help for me


Intel OCer
within 6k gfx card wud be the 8600gt....but i wud rather spend lesser on the mobo and more on gfx card...


Rising ApocalypsE
Dude save money and go for IP35-E. U really don't need a high end motherboard unless u want to upgrade 1600 MHZ FSB processors.
Q6600 works fine with IP35-E too.

Save money and get good graphics card like 9600GT.

BTW, within 6K price range, u can get 8600GT 512MB GDDR3!


Down to Earth
Hi All again I M here
I have finalised and placed order for Lappy Dell XPS 1530 but could not be able to decide for desktop
I want to have a performance PC which can give me work for atleast for 6-7 years.nicely.
I also wish that it should not fall in outdated or old rig in just 2-3 years
My main purpose is documentation ie MS Office, Entertainment and Gaming.
My budget is maximum 50K. One of my friend suggested me following but its without GPU and reach > 50K

Processor:Intel-Quad Core Q9300 2.50 GHz(6MB L2 cache 2.5Ghz 1333MHz FSB)(Rs.12400)
Mother Board :ABit -IX38 QuadGT Intel® X38 Exp/ICH9R Chip 1333 FSB (Rs.11650)
Memory : Corsair - DDR 2 TWIN2X2048-6400 (2 X 1GB DDR2 800MhZ) (Rs.3650)
Hard Disc: Seagate - Sata 2 320 GB (16 MB Buffer) 7200 rpm (Rs.3500)
Optical Drive: Sony -20x (Sata DRU 170S)with dual layer capacity (Rs.1700)
Power Supply & Cabinate :Cooler Master – CM 690 (Rs. 4000)
Monitor : Dell 19” 12000 approx Rs.12000
GPU : ? ? ?

Please give suggestion to build my rig within 50 K
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Rising ApocalypsE
My answer will be still the same!

Since u have mentioned the purpose too, my suggestion:

Core2Duo E8200.
Abit IP35-E.

Rest will stay same except CM690 - The price is without SMPS, its just the price of plain Cabinet.


Down to Earth
Thanks Keith

I will surely consider your suggestion. But can you explain why you don't prefer Q 9300 and Abit X 38 ?

Though they are crossing my budget my friend is still insisting me for that.
He argues that that combination is futureproof . Is it true ?

Please reply


At Hell's Disq
^^^^ since u wanna game its better to spend more on the GPU rather than on cpu or mobo.E8200 or better still E8400 is more than enuf for any game.u wont need a quad for the type of uses u've mentioned.


Rising ApocalypsE
Re: *onfig*ring new System help req*ired

Sorry for late reply. My internet *onne*tion had some problems.
Anyways, *pto some extent *r friend is right! I m s*ggesting * be*a*se * don't want to over*lo*k that m**h! Q*ad *ores are more f*t*re proof be*a*se in 2009, there will be 8-*ore pro*essors. And D*al *ores will be obsolete, so Q*ad *ores are m**h f*t*re proof. B*t D*al-*ores are less power *ons*ming and *an over*lo*k m**h better than Q*ad-*ores. So if * have a D*al *ore E8400, it *an over*lo*k *pto 4 GHz and even more where as Q9300 *an only *pto 3.5 max.
So the performan*e will be better with D*al *ores ex*ept few Q*ad *ore intense appli*ations.
There is another fa*tor whi*h is RAM. Now days DDR2 RAM is at dirt *heap pri*es, b*t *han*es are there that DDR3 will be of same pri*e by the end of this or next year. So then * will have to sti*k to DDR2. B*t if * go with my strategy, * will save money for later or get a good graphi*s *ard now, and * *an later *pgrade with the latest hardware.
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