Want to have all that eye candy (desktop coolness) that we have on Linux on your Solaris box. It is still little rough on edges, but it is coming there slowly. Guess soon Solrais will have as stable packages available as there are for Linux distributions.
Erwann has posted Compiz 0.5.0 packages for Solaris Nevada/Express on x86 - this is the latest step of several months of work to make this happen.
“We’ve been working on this for several reasons. Our accessibility architect became very enthused after seeing Beryl’s screen magnification support and talking to the Beryl developers at last fall’s Ubuntu Developer’s Summit. Our (now-former) director of Solaris Open Source (including OpenSolaris and the Solaris Desktop & X teams) became a fan after seeing the demos at the X.Org Developer’s Conference Sun hosted in February. Even the Solaris CTO has jumped on the bandwagon for making the Solaris Express Developer’s Edition look more modern.
We were dreading the tough choice of having to pick Beryl or Compiz - at first glance, compiz looked more stable, but beryl had more plugins/effects and the accessibility support we were interested in. Fortunately, the compiz and beryl communities solved this problem by re-uniting their efforts.