Re: ★★★ The Super[HEROES/VILLAINS] Discussion thread ☠☠☠
So guys,
Share your list of your top 5 superhero movies. Mine are
5. Days of future past -- What a great movie. Bryan singer paid attention to both visuals and the story. Well done
4. X men first class -- Magneto. Enough said!
3. Dark knight rises/Iron man 1 - I dint really like the fact that Bruce had little importance in TDK. That was redeemed in TDKR. Great story of resurgence from a very trying situation. Iron man 1 was plain fun, sadly it couldnt be expanded or replicated in 2 or 3.
2. Batman begins - The definitive origin superhero story ever in a movie. The fact that they took an hour to introduce "Batman" shows how committed Nolan was to establishing roots.
1. Spiderman 2 - Tobey maguire will always be the spiderman for me. That shy yet caring demeanour and his inability to profess his love was something that many of us can relate to . Adding to it, the movie had great fight scenes(The train stopping scene still gives me goosebumps), one of the greatest villians in a superhero movie - Doc ock and some lovely chemistry between Peter and MJ supplemented by a terrific soundtrack makes it one of the best superhero movies ever and my absolute favorite