yes thats true khubbu, its the comfort level. All said and done it is still a brand that has had strong presence over the years. I still rely on it. Over night you cannot build and brand and you cannot forget/ demolish it. It takes time and bad mistakes if the latter half has to be achieved. Overall intel is still a leader in this segment and will be unless things start to go horribly wrong. They know their market and how to move it to their advantage. Take the example of maruti, everyone said their days were numbered when the likes of hyundai, honda, daewoo came into the market. Yes, their market shares have dipped but that has just made them stronger and at the end of the day they still are the market leaders. This fact fact just gets asserted when they come up with a clear winner once in a while like the SWIFT. they had alse a lot of croppers like the wagoon r, baleno etc. Same is the case with the pentium/intel there will be disasters but they will come back and give us a jewel once in a while.
When they stop doing that the customer will eventuvally realise it and look for better options namely amd, cyrix etc.