Changing your Login Manager Screen in LINUX!

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The Linux Man !
You will find ample of web-sites having Various Desktop Themes and Login Manager Themes. Just Search in Google and thousands of results will be available to you. Just to reduce your work go to:


Its an excellent site.

Here you will get ample of Desktop backgrounds, Icons, Splash Screens, Login Manager Themes etc.

Download any login manager from the various themes available under Login Manager Section which is present under Desktop Themes.

I downloaded Morning-Light theme Login manager which had file of following format:


Configuring it is very simple task.

Just find the section called “Login Screen”. Most Probably you will find it under “system settings”.

Click on it. On the pop menu, click the tab called “Graphical Greeter”. At bottom you would find tab called “Install New Theme”. Click on it and It will ask you the path where you have stored your tape archive file. Select your downloaded file and click the “install” tab.

Enjoy the new login manager.

To view the screen short visti:



* is more varied.

But for an easy way to install art.gnome themes/etc/etc, do this

sudo apt-get intall art-manager

now run it by going to System>Prefrences>Art Manager

It can search and install all files released at in a point and click manner :]
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