Change network icons in system tray


Right off the assembly line
I want to change the default icons displayed in system tray(near clock) in Windows XP professional. the problem is the icon for LAN connection 2 and broadband connection is same,

I want to have two distinct icons for both network connections. I researched on Internet and found out that the only way to do is changing the shell32.dll.

I downloaded the resource hacker and tried to alter the shell32.dll but i did not find the network icons( with two monitors) anywhere in the group icons. Can anyone tell me where are the network icons actually located in Windows XP?

I don't want to install nay theme just to change the network icons. Any help regarding this.


First, this is not a solution (sorry), but just a thought...

Do you really require both LAN and broadband connection icons on the systray? In general, I think it will be enough if LAN icon is only indicated when it is disconnected - otherwise, it need not be shown. This is because it is supposed to be always connected. And for broadband connection, the icon will be present only if the connection is on - when not connected, the icon will not be present.

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