Candle Power...:)


Cyborg Agent
Re: Cnadle Power...:)

I'm bad at physics, but it's converting heat energy to electrical energy is what i can understand.

Anyway cool link.


Wise Old Owl
Re: Cnadle Power...:)

WATCH.... in picture both red and black wires are invisible.... anyone can add a battery .....its not possible man..... how can heat come from inside of candle,.... FULLY FALTOO i think :p


Re: Cnadle Power...:)

so you meant to say "its not fake....", wow...:), i never thought a candle to do this wonder....:), thanks for the wiki link...:), the equations there goes above my head, but nonetheless good finding..:)


Cyborg Agent
Re: Cnadle Power...:)

I can't say it's fake. I don't even say it's not fake. What i understand from wikipedia is that it might be possible.

Someone who's better than us in physics must give an answer.


The Internationalist
Re: Cnadle Power...:)

You can't even explain that using Seeback Effect, at least thats what I know. Ordinary lead embedded in candle wax wouldn't be a good experimental setup for Seeback. I need to test this out, if it works then I could try to find out why it happens. Till now, I'm in skeptic effect as always. :D


Beware of the innocent
Re: Cnadle Power...:)

so, noone tried yet?

What if the wikipedia article was authored by the same guy? skeptic as always, eh?

I don't think wax is such a good conductor of heat. And what about the voltage and current. How much is generated. Can I run my computer on it? :)


Cyborg Agent
Re: Cnadle Power...:)

PAY ATTENTION the guy takes his one or both hand down the table when he lights the candle or turns them off. He accutally had fixed a switch there. The circuit is simple. he had inseted the nails in candle. and the candles have verticl copper plates insedi them which have been placed by him earlier. ANd the copper plates touch the table surface. Here pay attention that he never moves candle to diffrent place as he had connected the place with a battery and the copper touches the place(metalic place) and thus he lits the bulb and so on


Beware of the innocent
Re: Cnadle Power...:)

oh.. but the table didn't have any metal on it did it. In the beginning the candle was in his hands.


Wise Old Owl
Re: Cnadle Power...:)

may be.... but there must be something "INVISIBLE" which we all missing.... just how magicians show us magic....;)
something is fishy there..definitely...first of all a candle is not a conductor of electricity so that electrical energy will be passed to the nails from its wax..
Anyways if we just keep our minds aside "We Have Got An Alternate for Power Cuts"..can using some more candles in series or parallel run my PC when the power guys leave me helpless at crucial moments :eek:
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