C++ books needed (names)

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C++ complete reference if you don't have any knowledge at all about C. C++ Primer if you have tried your hands at C... Both books are great. See amazon for readers ratings of these books. They are 4.5/5


Console Junkie
Aaarrghhh... you people dug up an OLD thread. I am using Practical C++ from O'Reily and Professional C++ from Wrox. Both books are great for improving your coding style. NOT FOR LEARNING. They are too advanced if you want to learn C++. Use the books referred above in that case.


Here Since 2003
Another vote for Thinking in C++ by Bruce Eckel. His writing style is awesome, he explains every important concept in great detail and takes care to build a solid foundation.

You can also give Accelerated CPP a try. But I would highly reccomend Thinking in C++. Heck the ebook is free. So try it out.
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