Cyborg Agent
1) Think Tesla, not Titan. And Mobile Quadro(s) are never sold in SLI configuration (if someone is selling them, then they are defeating the purpose of Quadro), and it is rare to find Quadro in SLI in desktop scenario(and SLI is not the proper term, Maximus is).
2) Tracking a laptop is not an easy task, and of what use is a laptop when the precious data is gone. (And when something is stolen, it is usually broken down before).
3) Entry level AMD Firepro W4170M beats Quadro 3100M in openGL benchmarks. The area where it counts. And it is good for light gaming too. (Keyword, entry level, M5100 is better which is entry level option for Precision M4800)
4) We are talking about India here, where warranty problems play havoc and lack of laptop can render a semester useless.
5) The present Kepler series is by definition obsolete now. If he really want to use CUDA 5.0 or 6.5, he should wait for Maxwell. Other K3100M and K2100M are not that different in terms of raw performance(difference of 200 cores at low clock rates).
6) Buying a card directly from HP/Dell would not need any flashing, since the card comes pre configured for system.
Simple words!
Guys wait for Maxwell and next Intel Roadmap lauch in couple of months!