Britney tries to hang self in rehab

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Debian Rocks!
London: Staff at the Promises clinic, where Britney Spears checked herself into last month, has been put on a ‘suicide watch’, after the singer reportedly tried to hang herself with a bed sheet.
Britney had friends and family worried sick when paramedics were rushed to the clinic recently, and now a friend has revealed that medics were called because she tried to commit suicide.
Just before she tried to hang herself, the pal said, Britney wrote 666 on her shaved head, and ran around the clinic screaming, "I am the Antichrist!" She is still very vulnerable.


Google Bot
She s having a emotional breakdown.. Hard to believe she was the most searched celeb on google some time back.. :(


666 refers to antichrist (means the shaitan) in hindi term (DANAV) which you are :D:D:D joking ...

but really she should not have had this...

when i read in digit that britney spits out another child , i felt that she will now settle down... but she is gone mad now...

i also feel sorry for her..


yeah !! didnt you see any eng.movies... they look for 666 sign on the body.. :D:D

i seems interesting... what why not in india people are born with such things.. 666 :D:D:D


someone give her my email address, my home address , my phone number, my....ah well!!!!.....i am all willing to be a friend of her....:-D


Hanging, since 2004..
Hehe she has gone total idiot,
666 , Devils number. Click the link and you will know why britny went bald.
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