boot.ini file in windows 98

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Broken In
Hi All,

I had win98 in my c:\ drive, winXP in my D and win2k in my F:\(Windows 98 was the first one to be installed - and then the rest)

Now, drives D and F have been formatted - so i have only Windows 98 in my C:\ drive left with me. However, im not being able to reset the boot.ini file. It still gives me the dual booting options upon Windows startup.

Currently, my boot.ini file in windows 98 looks like this:

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect
C:\="Microsoft Windows"

Please tell me how can I edit this so that Windows 98 is the default option - ideally, there should not be a dual boot option at all during startup, because win98 is the ONLY OS on my machine.

Can i delete the boot.ini file?

Pls help!

Thanks :)


Broken In
Don't delete the boot.ini, even though u've deleted the other Operating system , your system is still stuck with the NT Boot loader. Deleting boot.ini will make your system unbootable.
There are two ways to fix this:

1) as swatkat said, modify your boot.ini and set the default=c:\
and remove
"multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect "
from the [operating systems] list

2) the other way is a lil' dangerous since it involves messing with the MBR(Master boot record) where the boot loader resides. Just boot in Win 98 Dos Mode and type in fdisk/mbr this will rewrite the master boot record of your harddisk and hopefully reset the win98 boot loader.

Hope this is of a lil' help.
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