Bluetooth & EDGE Speeds

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AMD user for 9 yrs!!
Hi ..

I am in Delhi.. using Airtel on N70 .. via Bluetooth(microsoft Driver)
When I dial the connection.. on PC .. Its connected at 115.2kbos

My Question
1. What is the maximum speed that a BT connection can have..
since n70 supports around 236kbps as max speed .. so how can I acheive it.
i.e. Whats the maximum speed BT dongle available

2. If I also dials the dsl 256kbps connection at the same time, can we hav the benefit from both the internet connection :rolleyes:


Broken In
1. connect ur phone using datacable instead of bt dongle we can't get proper speed on it. because its data transfer rate is compatritively very much slow .
2. we can benifit from one connection at a time so no use while connecting both together.


Wise Old Owl
1. use datacable..
2. read on a forum that if 2 connections connected at same time, we get more speeds... but i don't know if it true or not


Mobile Freak
Verify that u must have USB 2.0 cable n ur mobo must accept this option...that's give u full throttle surfing ;)


what about the life of phones espicially of costly phones if it used for a full night surfing. will anything happen wrong to phones?

and which is better: I use bsnl dataone unlimited home plan,
and think about some alternatives, ie net thru mobiles,
is there any way to download (unlimited) using my N70?
which connection should be best?
is this method cheaper than dataone unltd plan?


Wise Old Owl
Airtel has an unlimited GPRS plan, cost depends on area basis... call CC....
Speed is much lower than DataOne...
but as you have EDGE enabled handset, and if u r in a EDGE area, u can get good speed... enough 4 browsing, etc basic things, not good 4 heavy downloads


~Bulletproof Monk~
1. bt speed max 20-25 kbps (256 acheive it but in dreams)
2. i browse usin n90 et download speeds 25 kbps max and 15kbps low

it shows connected at 480 kbps(only edge fones)
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