Best AMD Processor

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Broken In

i am planning to upgrade my pc.
right now i am using AMD Athlon with ASUS M2N MX SE Plus motherboard

i am planning to upgrade my pc to AMD Phenom
please advise me on the best available processor under Phenom category
and the best mother board suited to it (for home pc).
i want good quality sound and graphics with minimum 4 sata interface. upto 4GB ram.

or please tell me a site where i can compare prices and performance of
amd processors and motherboards compatible with it

thanking you in advance


Broken In
thnaks damngoodman!
will the new processor phenom will fit into my existing mother board.

my processor is amd 64 X2 codenamed "brisnbane"


Bond, Desi Bond!
I wouldn't recommend putting Phenom II on ASUS M2N MX SE Plus. It's really old board with 6100 chipset on it. If you want to use this board, better get Athlon II
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