hmm? I got Portal 2. I had to only download updates worth 300 MB. You don't have to download the 'entire' game.
If you'll get something like Orange Box which was manufactured in like 2008, you'll have to download hefty updates. This is pretty obvious as the games and the engine have seen heavy changes.
I don't even know what's the fuss about 'downloading.' I know people don't buy every game they want to play. Some basically 'download' them. Anything wrong if you download through Steam? Nope.
If you are talking about forced updates then you have a point.
The whole point of Steam is you don't have to mess with physical media. You can access your games from any part of the world.
I dont like STEAM. I hate the downloading the entire game from STEAM especially even after buying a DVD.
It defeats the whole purpose of the DVD in bandwidth poor country like India
You've played MW2 and Black Ops, right? The only way to play these games is through Steam. If you haven't used Steam, you have 'downloaded' these games nevertheless.