Battlefield 2 benchmarked - Do you need to upgrade?

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Battlefield 2 benchmarked - Do you need to upgrade?

The INQUIRER has been testing the demo version of the game with a various hardware configurations. These include a high-end system and a low-end system, the latter designed to emulate the average legacy PC purchased two to four years ago. Here are some preliminary results from these tests. Note that the tests used Fraps to measure frames per second while playing back the same recorded demo on all systems – something that wasn't possible with earlier games in the Battlefield series.

Read More/Source: The Inquirer


In Deniel
Ah, you don't need a P.H.d to know that battleField 2 Will At least require a 2.4GHz processor, 768 MBs of ram and offcourse a 128MB Video Card, what's New, all games released after November 2004 on Pc require these specs, and that leaves us gamers to go to a. either suicide, hey, no you no games. or b. just go rob a bank, i mean can a "Actual" gamer, really can afford to Upgrade his Pc , just becasue "some' games require it? That's the only reason i moved to COnsoles, they may not provide Ultra Fine Gaming, but atleast when i buy a game, the little voice in my soul doesn't creeks: Will it run fine? it syas on the box it supports the card.... now when i have console games, i play games with no frills. so instead of me getting crazy will BF 2 on my Pc, i will jsut wait till BF 2: Modern Combat hit PlayStation 2 or Xbox.


are u joking

this is not true has announced that BF2 will work fine on a 1-2 yr old Graphics card and comp



In Deniel
Yeah Alright, Go get and run in on a P3 with 128MBs of Ram and Riva TNT 2. and see the results, GameSpot Reviews and Previews Games on Alienware systems....


cant u read

cant u read

i said 1-2 yr old not 5-6 yr

acc to gamespot

Battlefield 2 is also a bit demanding in the hardware department, since you'll need a modern 3D card to run it (anything older than two years is iffy)


btw the alienware stuff is just an ad get over it will ya


In the zone
are yaaaar. the game is playable on a 6600gt with eyecandy on and 1024*768 and a 6200 and 5700le at 1024*768 without much eyecandy. then why not lower the resolution and then play it. its as simple as that. but i woudn't consider playing bf2 on a card below 5700le.


seconding that

i am seconding what supersaiyan has just posted

the game demo works with no lag on my 6600GT Athlon XP 2600+ 1024MB RAM 333Mhz
with all the settings set to maximum and 1024*768 resolution

hence if u give up on the reso. and the max settings u may be able to play it just fine

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