Assassin's Creed: Revelations


Aspiring Novelist
Come on! Don't tell me you guys didn't expect this? :wink:

Yes, Ubisoft silently started teasing us with it's new Assassin's Creed game a few days back.

Here are a collective set of it's teaser trailers:





Now for the something more has been revealed by the cover page of June issue of Game Informer Magazine. LO-BEHOLD! The older avatar of Ezio. :(




You'll learn how each of the franchise's major characters -- Altaïr, Ezio, and Desmond -- play a part in the story, and how you'll control each of the three as playable characters. Uncover a brand new part of the world as Ezio travels abroad for the first time to explore the wonders of Constantinople at the height of the Ottoman Empire. Learn about all the new features that set Revelations apart, from a brand new weapon and tool that changes the way you'll fight and traverse the world, to extensive details on the newly customizable multiplayer game. And what exactly is going on with Desmond after the end of Brotherhood? Of course, we also have a wealth of new screens and art to accompany all the information. We unveil all this and more in our magazine cover story, and we'll have more in-depth information, interviews, and videos about the game's central features here on throughout the month.

Source: June Cover Revealed: Assassin's Creed Revelations - News -


Working in an IT company
Question: wouldn't it be a better if this is moved to the news section rather than a new thread ?


Working in an IT company
Well the game is still months away & Ubisoft wont drop any tidbits now until E3 & I think the whole discussion will just die out in weeks (as usually seen with other threads). So i thought that the news section will be better to accommodate this news. Anyways, i have no qualms...only a thought.


Aspiring Novelist
Well the game is still months away & Ubisoft wont drop any tidbits now until E3 & I think the whole discussion will just die out in weeks (as usually seen with other threads). So i thought that the news section will be better to accommodate this news. Anyways, i have no qualms...only a thought.
The news section is filled with random news from all over the place. This is a entirely new game being revealed. Sooner or later, someone will initiate a thread. I don't mind the discussion dying out. When someone's interested or has something new to contribute, this gets bumped. The thread was created so that people can post their views and theories on this new game. One of the reasons why we had shut down the 'Games your currently addicted to" thread in the first place, was to avoid all game discussion being cluttered in one thread.


Super Moderator
Staff member
@ Ethan_Hunt - I came to know about this game in here first - so thanks for sharing this wonderful news and those teaser trailers ;-)


Aspiring Novelist
OK! Looks like it's official now:

Assassin's Creed Revelations Brings the Ezio Trilogy to a Close in November

After a week or so of vigorous teasing, Ubisoft finally lifts the curtain on Assassin's Creed Revelations, the third and final chapter in the Ezio trilogy, coming to the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC this November.

In Assassin's Creed Revelations Ezio Auditore embarks on a journey of self-discovery and revelation in the footsteps of his legendary mentor, Altaïr. He'll travel to Constantinople in the heart of the Ottoman Empire, where a gathering army of Templars is threatening to destabilize the region.

Assassin's Creed Revelations also sees the return of online multiplayer, with new mode, new maps, and new characters.

"Delivering the final chapter of the Ezio trilogy is an important milestone in the Assassin's Creed franchise for us and for our fans," said Alexandre Amancio, Creative Director at Ubisoft Montreal. "Assassin's Creed Revelations includes lots of new features and some significant surprises. We can't wait to show our fans what we have in store at E3 this year."

For more on Assassin's Creed Revelations pick up the June issue of Game Informer, available this month.

Source: Kotaku

Theories on the teasers so far (credit goes to Chriss Raven @TGV.TV for collecting and sorting out the info):

Teaser 1:

Now you will see some Arabic stuff on the screen here and there, those text blocks read “Eagle, son of nobody” and “Altair, son of nobody”. This is pretty much confirmation that we’ll be playing as or beside the assassin from the first game

Source: Assassin’s Creed: Revelations – First teaser [Altair] - TGN Times

Teaser 2:

The new symbol that is flashed is the Phaistos Disc, which is a relic dating back to the Bronze Age and was found on Crete. And here the plot thickens. The assassin seen here is Altair, judging by the wrist guard for his blade, which happens to be on the correct hand if it’s Altair. The ripple effect on the video looks a lot like water, which when combined with the fact that we’re talking Greek island here makes me think of the Mediterranean, which is looking like the location of this game. I’ve got nothing on the Fort seen in the background, looks a lot like the Fortresses on Crete, but then again, most Forts looks alike. The light next to Altair’s hand is the silhouette of the entire Greek region, loot at it, there’s the Atton Peninsula.

Source: Assassin’s Creed: Revelations – Second Teaser - TGN Times

PS: The fort seen in the trailer is Masyaf Fortress. ;)

Teaser 3:

First off, we have the map of Europe in the background again, heavily focused on the mediterranean region. Though there are more visible things here, like that Muslim building, which happens to be none other than the Hagia Sophia, or St. Sofia as known by some countries. It is a former mosque, turned museum located in modern day Turkey (Istanbul). Now, Istanbul is the modern name of the Byzantine capital Constantinople, and the cathedral was build in 360, but that is of little relevance, because we don’t know when the game will be taking place.

Now you might ask about the numbers, well that is Ezio Auditore da Firenze’s birthday (24.06.1459). There is a lot about this video that pushes us to think of Ezio and his age, for instance the Hagia Sophia is represented when it is a mosque, which happened at the end of the 15th century, after the Turkish took Constantinople, and there’s Ezio’s birthday as well, but let me tell you about that weird symbol. That is the Tuğra (seal) of a certain Ottoman sultan, more specifically Suleiman the Magnificent, who lived at the same time as Ezio, and was Sultan from 30.11.1520, which is interesting, considering that Ezio would be 61 when Suleiman becomes Sultan. Keep in mind that all of this might just be UbiSoft effing with us and stuff, but there are hinting at something, given the fact that the first videos were really have on Altair and Greece hints (Phaistos Disc and all).

Now it’s safe to assume that Altair went hunting for the disc (which is probably a Piece of Eden) after he got the map of the world showing him the places of the POEs, and Altair didn’t know anything about most of the lands, because America was not discovered back then, thus he set out to the only land he knows of that has a POE, which was Greece, and logically it seems that the Phaistos Disc is either the particular POE he’s searching for, or a map to it.

But with this whole Ezio/Ottoman Empire thing thrown into the mix, a lot of questions come up. The only possible thing I see is that we’ll be playing as both in a parallel story, alongside Desmond’s story, which would prove quite interesting, considering the Ottoman Empire was an interesting place at the time and medieval Greece is just plain cool. I have no concrete theory, but I do believe that this might be the case, after all, we did get an Altair section in AC2, and I loved that, imagine an entire game where you jump back and forth between Desmond, Altair and Ezio, plus it would make sense, bleeding effect and all.

Source: Assassin’s Creed Revelations – Third teaser [Ezio] - TGN Times

Teaser 4:

Ok, so we have the map of Europe right there as always, highlighting the Mediterranean, we have Altair and his birthday right there and the crest of the Byzantine Empire, and a silhouette of Ezio in the background, pretty much confirming my theory from the previous teaser that both characters will be playable. The double headed Eagle also means that Altair will be going to the Empire and probably is nodding to the fact that we’ll be playing as both the Eagle’s. ;)

Source: Assassin’s Creed: Revalations – Teaser four [Altair] - TGN Times


Long Live Gojira!
Thank God, the master assassin's back. Even as I liked Ezio much it's always good to have Altair. I don't know why, but Altair's a badass SOB... err... he's Son of Nobody. Riiiiight.

EDIT: A new pic,


It's coming back.... gotta leave this forum...
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Living to Play
Whoa. Altair is back. Very nice. I wonder what will be the role of Altair this time I mean he has done most of his part in first game itself and for Ezio he is a ancestor.


Living to Play
thetechfreak said:
Wonder what will be the minimum requirements for the PC version...
Most probably the same as ACB and AC2 and it should run smoothly just like them because we saw improvement in all department in ACB yet it ran just like AC2 so we can expect the same from ACR also.


Living to Play
NVIDIAGeek said:
And I hope they use new engine 'cause this engine's growin' old. Damn, Frostbite 2.0.....
And yet its better than most engines out there. Even if they stick to this engine then also we can expect a gem. After all it created ACB with damn good graphics and what not.


Long Live Gojira!
And yet its better than most engines out there. Even if they stick to this engine then also we can expect a gem. After all it created ACB with damn good graphics and what not.

It needs some good clothing physics. And some more polys for the characters. It's all done if it's built on DX11, but that ain't gonna happen. So....


Working in an IT company
I dont think we will get to see a lot of Altair. It will probably be somewhat like that dream sequence in AC2. Also, I am pretty sure that this new AC game will release on PC next year around Feb-March. Ubi did the same thing by saying that ACB will release on all platforms simultaneously & then they quickly took a U-turn after which we know when it released for PC.


Living to Play
varunb said:
I dont think we will get to see a lot of Altair. It will probably be somewhat like that dream sequence in AC2. Also, I am pretty sure that this new AC game will release on PC next year around Feb-March. Ubi did the same thing by saying that ACB will release on all platforms simultaneously & then they quickly took a U-turn after which we know when it released for PC.
Well I don't mind waiting for some months to get a game which is optimized and made to run fine on PC and most importantly without bugs whatsoever. EA just releases games at same date with a lot of bugs which I hate I guess I can wait for a purely optimized game rather than playing a broken game.
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