Anyone with Creative Zen Vision W /I pod with video, Please Reply!!!

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Anyone with Creative Zen Vision W or M/I pod with video, Please Reply!!!

Ok Guys,

I had a real tussle choosing between 80GB iPod and 60 GB Creative Zen Vision W or M. While Ipod has more storage, still its smaller screen and virtually zero extendability as well as my reliance on sutitles in some Japanese anime serials made me decide on Zen Vision W. Tho its not final as an etching on stone and before I go and buy, I have some questions, please help...

~ Can I use Auto GK to convert files to Xvid so that these files play on Zen Vision W?

~ Can I use the DivX converter sol by DivX site to create videos?

~ Suggest any other transcoder tool if none of these work? If you are suggesting SUPER, please tell me the settings also.

~ Creative Zencast organizer also carries a video convertor:

1. Can i use it to convert any video file provided I have necessary codec?
2. What is the output format of this inbuilt video convertor, WMV or DivX or Xvid?
3. Can I control the output size file from convertor or can I control the bitrate etc?

~ The Compact Flash card:

1. What is the maximum size of CF card that the slot can recognize 8GB or 16 GB?
2. Any ideas how much his supported highest storage card will be available in India for?
3. Can this card be only used to transfer and backup images form camera or can I pay movies and music on it without fist having to copy it to Zen Vision W's HDD.

Also wat is the price for Creatve Zen Vision W 60GB and Ipod 80 GB without bill and with bill in India? And are there any expectations of a bigger capacy Zen vision W from Creative in near future, considering they are focusing more on flash based players as of now.

I wud also like to see the screen size of the devices.Anyone with Ipod or Zen Vision W in Delhi (any part) please contact me so that we can meet up as per your convinience and i can just see the dimesions and screensize of the player.
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Proud Mac Pro Owner
Go for the iPod 80GB. You're wrong about the iPod's "virtually zero extendability". You can find tons of iPod add-ons for your iPod. You can find iPod accessories for watching the videos stored on your iPod on your big-screen TV, you can find home stereo for your iPod, and you can get tons of other accessories for iPod.

There's a site called, which has reviewed most of the iPod accessories out there. Check out * right now!

As for the Creative player, I've used it once, but don't own it, so I don't know much about it - but believe me, iPod's better.

To find out the price, it would be better to ask a street vendor itself. You can get the iPods on any Apple Stores / Authorized Dealers. I don't know about the support that non-authorised dealers provide, so it's better to get your player legally.
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Dude Thanks for ur reply but actually there is a slight snag. I want this device to watch videos On The Go. If I had wanted to watch them on on TV, I can simply connect the laptop to TV using S-Video, and just FYI, whereas I will have to buy the cable to connect iPOd to TV, With creative it comes in bundled with the package, why pay extra?

Secondly I have never heard of any accessory which can increase the STORAGE i iPod (By expandability, I meant increase in storage capacity) while AFAIK Creative has the CF card option Ipod has none.

Actually I had been in favour of iPod, until i hit that show stoppper of small size. My needs include as much storage as I can get and a decent large screen so that I can regard subtitles on the go. If anyone can show me the devices both Zen Vision W and iPod I will still consider the devices. I do not want to go to venor as of now coz the vendor will not be able to answer all my questions as compared to a user of this forum.


MMO Addict
My friend has one of these. Believe me watching video on its big screen is just mind blowing. If you wanna enjoy video on the go then don't look further. U'll get 8hrs continuous video playback, audio about 15hrs. biggest advantage is U Don't need to convert videos to watch on this. Just Copy n Paste. U should consider this.


Broken In

Go for zen vision w .It has far more features than ipod. but I dont know the prices of both.


Ah, A Cowon product, I considered this but I had to rule it out coz i do not think its available in India and do not have anyone living in USA

Moreover despite its great features, its just availble in 20/30GB models. Take it from me... even 60 GB of Creative is less for me and 80GB Ipod is also insufficient for me. That is why I am going for Creative due to CF card storage facility.

desh2s said:

Go for zen vision w .It has far more features than ipod. but I dont know the prices of both.

Dont you have the answers for other questions of mine. I want my other questions answered alongwith price Price is a secondary factor on which i want informationI can go to palika and call creative distributor/apple store to collect price info. I only asked for price to save effort contacting these places.The other questions related to Encoding and Compact Flash Card are more important.
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Proud Mac Pro Owner
I recommend you to check the link I've give of Playlist Mag once again, and then say that there are no ways of upgrading iPod's storage.

Alco check: * has other hacks for iPod too. The link I've mentioned is about 100GB Upgrade For 5G iPod.

How many card slots are there in the Creative? Just one. The highest amount of storage you can get is 4 gigs. Total storage = 64 GB. Much lesser than iPod's.


Oh bro please do not start a debate.

The 2.5 inch display iPod was more than enuf for me as long as I did not have to rely on Subtitles in Japanese anime. Now the screen is too small. And I am hell bent on carrying that anime with me all the time.

I can afford to buy a new CF card every 2 months and carry a bunch with me anytime in bag and AFAIK i know max card capacity is 8GB, tho I am not sure if Creative supports it

And do u seriously think I wud be adventurous enough to spend money in iPod and then go looking for someone who can import this 100GB thing for me (Which is meant for 5G, not the current 5.5G iPod) from USA for me. Consider that I already said that I do not have anyone in USA;-)


I want more storage and Cowon only offers max 30 Gigs.

Guyz, instead pf recommending products please reply to my queries. I am not going for an other product except Creative Zen Vision W or 80GB
ipod if I can lay my hand on it and am satisfied that it can display anime and subtitles in a manner that I can read them easily.
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