There is a reason why telecoms push customers towards postpaid. Simply, because it's more profitable for the companies.
The sales people always tell you that postpaid is cheaper. And you get so much credit amount. I always tell them, that even If I get my mobile recharged by 500 to 1000Rs. I don't actually need the extra credit(extra credit is not equal to free money. Sooner or later you have to pay the whole amoint) amount limit.
Postpaid is like telcos lending you money and surely they would charge interest. So, it's never cheap for customers.
Also, you get the advantage of various top-ups on prepaid that you could use according to your changing needs like lower local or std call rate, internet pack etc.
The whole my plan thing is bull****. Unless you have lot of money to spend. Sales people are however able to make a pappu of certain customers now and then.
I find a lot of postpaid customers standing in lines and threatening the customer care showroom people if they don't resolve there over hyped postpaid bills that the company sent. Its like third class government office.
Once people change to postpaid the sales people don't even care about you. They won't even allow you to change your postpaid back to prepaid without grilling and squeshing the last penny out of you.
We all laugh at there ordeals. The sales people only show certain aspects of postpaid plan to customers with fixed cost per month. And contrary to the common belief it's a fact that pre paid plans are much more flexible and cheaper than any postpaid plan out there. Postpaid plans are regid While sales guy will tell you otherwise.
I challenge anyone to show me a cheaper postpaid plan. And chances are that I would easily be able to give a better pre paid plan with top ups to sweeten the deal.
We jokingly tell the sales people that postpaid customers are like innocent cashcow which can be milked as much as they want. While prepaid customers are suckers.