+1In the movie The Last Samurai there is a scene where a Samurai is captured by a western reformed Japanese army. His hair is immediately cut off and he cries because of it. Is that anti-Sikh propaganda too?
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I don't really watch movies, I just pirate games sometimes to see what the narrative is as its the common form of mass media for western youngsters.
What's anti-Hindu in X-men? Only movies I really watched were Sunny Deol ones.. Especially Border.
Hindustan Meri Jaan - A scene from Movie Border - YouTub
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I think the thread has derailed too much.
@OP go through *
Would be better if we stick to the title of the thread itself.
Somewhere Tassadar in his grave and Zeratul are twitching after reading this thread
Weren't Tassadar and Zeratul fused together or something?Somewhere Tassadar in his grave and Zeratul are twitching after reading this thread
Who are those people again?
Weren't Tassadar and Zeratul fused together or something?
Edit: I am a bit weak on Protoss lore.
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yes, Zeratul was a dark templar, the DTs cut of their psionic appendages, and severed the link to the entire protoss consciousness because they wanted individuality and thats why they were expelled from their homeworld .. This is what OP is saying to be anti Hindu...
Tassadar was the first protoss to use both normal and DT energies together