Annoying Problem...Help wantde!

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Annoying Noise frm inside de hood...?!!?

i have had this cool n quiet config 4 around 6 months, E6300, 946GZIS, Mercury 400OPSU n Cabinet, Until recently, there seems 2 be dis strange motor like noise coming frm sumwhere inside whenever i switch on my PC. i chacked all the fans, the CPU, Cabinet n PSU n all seem t be workin fine. its a loud vibrating screechy sound. Dunno where is it comig frm, any idea guyz?
its kinda scary, feel like its gonna hiss loudly n collapse...
Help me plz..n yea, my A/C socket duznt seem 2 hav an earthing n generates current if i touch de bac of my PC. dunno if it mite b de cause, n 1 more thing, i bought a new UPS recently,a Techcom 800VA Double Battery one.
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Still Shining!
This happens when the SMPS fan leaves rubs with its body. Use a screwdriver and push the fan to inside form the back, So that it doesn't touch the outer grill.


Re: Annoying Noise frm inside de hood?!!?

well, i've tried dat..but it aint any use....
de noise iz like sumthin gettin scrubbed...dunno to describe it exactly.
is it frm de HDD?

YOOHOO!! i've solved it! it was de damn case fan..jus removed it n Whoosh! its whisper quite again...
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