Android or iOS - really confused


Broken In
I will be getting an incentive shortly and im planning to get some gadget:mrgreen:
i played a few games in my friends iTouch. The games were simply superb with great graphics :razz:.... never expected it from a phone/videoplayer
So, I completely made up my mind to buy an Ipod touch but a friend confused me saying that Android was better as it had lot more apps and better games than IOS ..:-o (always heard Apple is the best )
I also had a look at the galaxy Note, that too looks great with big screen and 8mp camera...
My priority is games(not huge games like GTA, small games will do) and apps ...

I now have a basic android phone( 1.5 years old, runs android 2.1 and Samsung never gives an update for my phone) and also a Ipod Nano(2 years old).

i have shortlisted between a Galaxy Note or a ITouch
checked their prices in a shop nearby
Galaxy Note price - 27 k
ITouch price -15k
I am now planning to do 1 of the following:
1) I could buy an Itouch for 10k after selling my Ipod Nano for 5k and continue using by basic android phone (or)
2) I could sell my my phone and Ipod nano combined for 9k and buy a Galaxy Note for 18k.....
1)which is better the Android or IOS
2)Which option would you recommend ..
(pls remember my priority is games and apps )
P.S try not to confuse me further by suggesting some other phones / saying at that price I could get a tablet:evil:


For games I would still suggest iOS. For some reason a lot of developers still develop games more for Apple than Android.

Android by itself has a lot of games and good ones too. Apple has a slight edge in that it almost has every game that is available on Android plus a lot of exclusive games; they are not actually exclusive but when they will be ported to Android is the question.

Benefits with Android are, better hardware= smooth games, large screen = more fun to play

As far as apps are concerned both Android and apple have same apps and it is very difficult to find any difference. In fact Android has better apps than iOS due to it's openness.

I would suggest you go with the itouch which is an excellent device. It is one of the most beloved of my gadgets. In fact one that I hardly get to use myself as it is always in a "borrowed" state.

Get a 32GB iPod touch 4G (white/black) for 17k

Later upgrade to a phone with ICS build or better in a couple of months.


Cyborg Agent
I was in a similar state of confusion a few years back when I had a Galaxy Spica, went ahead and bought an iPod touch 2G 32GB. Now my iPod touch is lying unused somewhere at home.

The point I'm trying to make is though it sounds fun owing both iOS and Android devices, after sometime you find it difficult carrying around two devices and syncing them & stuff becomes PITA.

I'd suggest sell off both your phone & Nano and get a good droid or iPhone 4, whatever looks good to you coz applications wise both are almost the same now, barring a few Apple exclusive.

Again, Galaxy Note I think is not practical for daily use, keeping its size in mind. Just my opinion though. S2 would be a better choice if you are going droid way.


Apart from that Note is an awesome piece of technology, I really love it and this is the first Samsung high end phone which I really like more than any HTC phone in the same budget(ya thats true,but thats my thinking) ;) , and that is the reason I suggest it to people.
If you are planning to buy it then go for it.
Obviously the gaming experience on a bigger screen(note) will be much better than smaller screen(ipod touch).
Even if I would be at your place, I would be in a hell lot of confusion.
But let me make it easy for you, if your old phone is on verge of dying or you don't want to carry multiple devices in your pocket and just want a single device nd something lil big also then go for Note.Or else you know what is the other option you have.


I am the master of my Fate.
i played a few games in my friends iTouch. The games were simply superb with great graphics :razz:.... never expected it from a phone/videoplayer
So, I completely made up my mind to buy an Ipod touch but a friend confused me saying that Android was better as it had lot more apps and better games than IOS ..:-o (always heard Apple is the best )
I also had a look at the galaxy Note, that too looks great with big screen and 8mp camera...
My priority is games(not huge games like GTA, small games will do) and apps ...

if gaming on mobile than iOS is highly recommended :mrgreen:


Broken In
another important thing is to keep the size of the Note in mind...almost every review i read said that Note is the best phone around but the huge size makes it difficult for single hand usage and putting the Note into your pocket and moving comfortable is next to impossible


The Note is one phone-tab that cannot be recommended over a forum. You have to see it in person.


Broken In
The Note is one phone-tab that cannot be recommended over a forum. You have to see it in person.

yep saw that ... i had it in my hand an was playing a car race game at an mobile store in Chennai..
it could hold it in my hand...but i didnt try typing with one hand...

ill try to do that this week


Legend Never Ends
+1 for getting an iPod Touch 32 GB.
ajay600 said:
Android was better as it had lot more apps and better games than IOS ..
Since when the quality of an OS depended on number of Applications available on it :rofl: :lol:


Firecracker to the moon
+1 for ipod touch its simply awsome...........
Plus you have retina display,You can video chat,really great sharpness and all.
But if you want full use of it..Try jailbreaking it(Though i haven't tried it)
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