Android Apps in Windows


The Chosen One
Looks good, but very few of us know that installing android sdk is another way to 'test' any app in PC. Obviously, you can create any app in that sdk. HDD space might be a constraint, as total sdk takes ~10GB space.

Not entirely true. My total development environment is only ~4GB. And I haven't skipped a single package for installation. That includes my Eclipse installation as well. A non-developer may choose to go with just a single api. The basic installation setup would be 40MB to download. After installing it you need to select the packages and the Android OS 4.0 (API 14) would be ~200MB to download (SDK Platform + ARM EABI v7 System Image). After extraction (automatically managed by SDK Manager) it would all come to maximum 400MB IMO. Then you need to create an AVD (Android Virtual Device) which will take 250MB + size of SDCard you choose to create. :mrgreen:
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