An android phone for a GIRL with a budget of 22k(MAX)


Dark Prince

Broken In
Thanks for the suggestions guys.
Had to buy a phone yesterday evening.
Could not find ATRIX 2 anywhere.
Bought her the Galaxy S2 instead

Dark Prince

Broken In
congrats mate..:) hope to see the review from u..:)

Thanks a lot guys.

I dont use the phone and had it with me for a very short span so i can't assure you about a detailed review.
I will try though
a very short version of the review would be that my girl friend is blown away by the phone and is in love with it.
Will wait for her to get a hang of things with respect to android and smart phone aspects and then may go for rooting+ROMS
One of the things that i absolutely hated about the phone was the cheap,thin,plastic back panel which seemed so delicate that slight pressure and it will just break
Me being a Galaxy S(Darky's ROM) user for the past 1.5 years, felt that the look and feel of phone and UI is very similar to my phone
But in contrast to my phone,S2 is super light and super zippy out of the box(The SGS needed lagfix to make it zippy)The screen is very responsive and the UI is very fluid
The SUPER AMOLED is a major plus.
The images and videos look very crisp thanks to the sharp contrast provided by the SUPER AMOLED screen.
The Camera was not tested much but having an LED flash is a big bonus and it does the job quite well.The photos were pretty good

not my place.. but IMO Samsung design and UI needs big time improvement !!

The UI is one of the reasons why Custom ROMs exist ;)
as far as the design goes, the S3 was definiltely an improvement
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