Alternative way to download TF2??

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Broken In
I am Mayank Agarwal, a regular reader of Digit Mag.

I came here to get one of my problem cleared.
I want to download TF2 without using Steam bcoz with Steam it's really difficult to download those 6-10 Gigs of Game. I can say it bcoz I have tried to download TF2 with Steam previously when TF2 was announced as a Free to Play.

I live in Jharhand and have a BSNL Broadband connection with a bandwidth of 512kbps only so it's really heck of a thing to download such a huge game.

If someone can help me out, it would be a great help...
I would prefer to download through Torrent if it is possible or the less pleasant option i.e. Download it direct.

Hope any of you can help me out coz I know it's a tough thing.


Simply a DIGITian
Staff member
I don't think you should have problem with 512kbps connection if you are willing to download through torrent.

Well, you can just download as much as you want and resume the download next day. It's not like direct download.

So what's the actual problem..??


Broken In
I think you haven't read the post properly. I want to download TF2 but without the steam client coz its very problematic atleast for me. I googled for this but no answer so I posted it here if someone of you can help me out. If there's a method out there to download TF2 then I would prefer downloading it through torrent else direct method.


i too have a 500 kbs( 12 less than you :lol:)....
i downloaded it via steam only, you don't have to download it continuously...
just start/pause it when you are free or at night...atleast that's what i did

I think you haven't read the post properly. I want to download TF2 but without the steam client coz its very problematic atleast for me. I googled for this but no answer so I posted it here if someone of you can help me out. If there's a method out there to download TF2 then I would prefer downloading it through torrent else direct method.

if the problem is steam client, then don't download TF2 at first place....steam is a pain in the ass...
but then you will be missing out some TF2 goodness :)


Legend Never Ends

What kind of problems on Steam? I have downloaded 40 gb worth games over Steam and I havent faced any problem atleast when downloading.

Even if you download via Torrent,
gameranand said:
Without steam you can't play TF2 so take it or leave it with steam.


Broken In
Uh oh well, most of you are unable to understand my question.
I very well know that TF2 is a steam game and steam is required to play it. I wanted to know whether there is way to download TF2 files other than using Steam like through torrents or other FTP/HTTP way...

If yes, then I want the way and instructions on how to/where to place the TF2 files so that Steam can recognise it.

Now I request everyone, I am used to Computers and gaming and have a good knowledge of theses Game clients etc. so no rubbish answers.
I know I am a bit harsh but I am getting annoyed...

BTW sorry... :|


knocking on heavens door
well...lets get this straight...u cant find the files on torrents...and Steam wont recognize it even if you mange to get files....IT WONT WORK..
now...with thats out of the way....
care to tell us what exactly is your problem with Steam? Firewall? bad connection? or something else?
if u don't tell we cant really help ya...Even if we want too..


Game & anime Lover
@OP if you want tf2 steam is only option..if you are having slow connection..upgrade your plan no other way...its money money world....else leave it to your unfullfilled wish list..


Legend Never Ends
mayank_agarwal said:
no rubbish answers
Rubbish questions like dowloading Team Fortress 2 without Steam deserves whatever answers we gave.
Since you consider our answers rubbish just go ahead and download it via torrent.


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Well you can also buy the Orange Box , TF2 is bundled with it .. but yea .. who wants to pay for a free game isn't it?


Steam High Templar
@mayank dude there is a communication gap prob between you and us TDF members
so whats your prob
  • a game file on steam even if it is 20GB can be downloaded in parts you can pause your game download and resume the nextday( i have a crappy 256 kbps connection and STILL i downloaded dead space 2 complete with the forced patch. pause after you download 2gb or so and resume next day
  • you getting disconnected during download? blast BSNL CC
  • steam takes 10-15 mins to start-up so be patient


512kbps should nt be a problem.
Bcoz 80%+ Broadband users have 512kpbs except people
living in hyderabad mumbai banglore(beam-fivenet-act)..

As per our ministers 512kbps is high speed ..
2mbps speed ul nt before 2014 by kapil sibbal saab..


Retired Forum Mod
@mayank_agarwal, to be frank i find your query rubbish. you want to download TF2 on your PC, download it through steam else buy Orange Box. members have suggested the ways so either you follow them or not. no use saying "don't give rubbish answers".

give this link a read: How do I copy Team Fortress 2 to other computers?. download a TF2 backup file from any torrent and try to restore it. i am not sure if it'll work as i have never tested it.

enough said. closing thread.
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