Broken In
Many times I can't get on to the thinkdigit forum because it is too graphics heavy. I think digit should host an alternate text only forum for us dial up users. What is your opinion?
it_waaznt_me said:Not again ...
samrat_chak1 said:Many times I can't get on to the thinkdigit forum because it is too graphics heavy. I think digit should host an alternate text only forum for us dial up users. What is your opinion?
¦[ F| ¦¯< F| |\| said:I forgot to add that digit could make the upper banner and left side nav bar into seperate frames meaning one would not have to load them over and over again while browsing this site.
Hey Blade runner, I do get my hands on high bandwidth sometimes, so I don't think I can give away my avatar and siggy. But still to get on to forum from home I have to use dial up. Don't take it the other way round.blade_runner said:Since u want a fast forum lets start with u, come on now get rid of ur siggy and avatar. it takes up precious bandwidth !! U start and the rest will follow.