Superhuman Spambot
I have a question, need an urgent answer
My toaster became faulty, can I use the base of my laptop to toast bread using the heat it generates ?
Please reply
You have come to the right place to ask your query.
You see toaster appliances are becoming outdated due to a recent rise in laptop sales. Laptops are multi-purpose devices that can be used as a:
7.Toaster etc etc
Correct way to set up dat 65k toaster:
1:Modify dat bios.
2.Overvolt and OC the sht outta GPU and CPU.
3.Remove Thermal paste.
4.Apply butter to core of the CPU and GPU.
5.Run Kombuster.
6.Toast the bread pieces one by one.
Disclaimer:Any damage done to machine due to not following the instructions properly will be at owner's risk and I do not take responsibility for it.