All DVD WRITER related topics here

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almost everyday a new thread pops out related to DVD writer.Its high time we start a sticky thread to which all discussions about DVD Writers are limited to,like we did for Graphics card....


Broken In
I need a dvd writer... only LG n Samsung are present in my city... which one is better...both priced at 2250 bucks... i n many of my friends had a bad experience with Samsung(its tray always gives trouble) while LG has always worked fine... which one should i go for...


samanvya_ad said:
I need a dvd writer... only LG n Samsung are present in my city... which one is better...both priced at 2250 bucks... i n many of my friends had a bad experience with Samsung(its tray always gives trouble) while LG has always worked fine... which one should i go for...

Definitely LG

Reason:personal 1st drive (CD only) was samsung which gave me so much trouble especially with automatic 2nd was a LG(CD Writer) n 3rd again LG (DVD drive) Sadly i sold both my LGs 2 my friend wen i got a Liteon DVD writer...but both LGs r runnin fine even after all these years...

even i am plannin 2 buy a LG soon....


Please help deciding - for the last time in this upgrading session

I have a dvd writer related quary & as forum is floaded by such threads, decided to use this old thread for asking (good boi, aint i?).
I am going to buy an dvd writer in next 36 hours & i have my mind on sony models primarily (I understand they are rebadged liteon or benq & i own liteon & benq cdrw & dvdrom but still ....)

1) Does buying oem packs cause any problem with warranty or anything else later? & do they have same years of warranty?

2) I have these models in mind - please read & suggest -
I) Sony DRU 820A
(will i probably be using dvd ram even in next few years? wat r the chances they'll be widely available at lower price? does it worth buying this drive for that?
& i heard this drive doesnt support raw writting that might create problem while copying 'cds' , isnt it?

II) Sony DRU 810A
(actually i was waiting for sometime for the next model but now im thinking of buying this older one , will i be making any mistake? )

III) Sony DW G120A (is its same as g120a b2 ??) -
( heard a good drive? will it be better buy than dru810a/820a & worth looking for?
is the original liteon for this sony product costs more? )

IV) Sony DWQ 120A
(well dont know...? )

3)If anyone based on kolkata & have info please comment on the current prices of oem & box packs of the aboves with shops.

4)Please suggest any other latest/good model i might be missing / any other useful suggestion / problems (local dvd compatibility) whatsoever that might help me!

btw thanks for reading this long post :)
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In Pursuit of "Happyness"
1.) No the warranty is same on both OEM and retail versions.

2.) I. 820A: BenQ 1670. With this drive BenQ has done some experiments.. They have moved away from their usual phillips chipset. So dont expect very good writes with this drive.. Also it does not support solid burn and Q-Scans.

II. 810A: BenQ 1640. Excellent drive. No doubt about it. Just a little pickey at burning @ 16X and DL burning.

III, IV: Dunno.. really!

3.) Im from delhi ;)

4.) I'd suggest looking into BenQ 1650 and some LiteON models too!


which liteon models are widely available in plenty ,
and also tell me about the support of benq is what are the featuers of benq1650.
i have posted my questoin here


kalpik said:
Just a little pickey at burning @ 16X and DL burning.

Thanx for replying ;) ; there you mean DL writing is slower right? but what do you mean by pickey @ 16X .... if i dont mind waiting few seconds extra , would it cause more failed writing/errors than other drives specially with commonly available dvds?

I would like somemore responses from others giving their views on my previous quaries :)
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In Pursuit of "Happyness"
DL is not slower.. Its just that there is a high chance of DL failing on this drive. But then i guess no drive is perfect at burning DL (pioneer 111d maybe..). And also it gives lower quality disks when burning at 16X. There are many PIE spikes at the end burning @ 16X.


@Kalpik : what is PIE spikes? & thats true for 820A too right?

btw the shop guy says Sony DWQ 120A is newer drive than Sony DW G120A . But i thought it is the opposite! Can anyone confirm! & which one of these two is better?

If i buy oem model (i probably would) , then ill be getting Sony DWQ 120A / Sony DW G120A (please comment) , are they better /same then dru810A or ill be making a mistake?

also if anybody own these drives could give any feedback?


In the zone
i have a SONY DW Q-120A.OEM version. its not very new cauz i got it 2-3
months s working great and writes both single as well as dual layer dvds perfectly..till now i have burned around 20 single layer and 1-2 dual layer dvds...
and i have never got a thing u may not like is that the OEM version does not have Sony printed on the burner..but there is a Sony seal (of metal) on the burner...
and it is pretty cheap compared to other dvd writers u can buy it..but u may also consider others opinion if they know about better dvd writers..


In Pursuit of "Happyness"
~It_is_Andrew~ said:
@Kalpik : what is PIE spikes? & thats true for 820A too right?

PIE's are errors on the disk which the drive can recover from. PIF's are errors from which the drive cannot recover. This is the case for 810. 820 is BenQ 1670. 820 will in general not give you as good burns as the 810.


Cyborg Agent
820 is better dual layer media writer than 810 .. infact its the best dual layer dvd writer out there .. its benq dw 1670 ..

sony g120A- lite on shm 165p6s
sony q120a- lite on shm 160p6s
difference is support for dvd-ram media .. 165 has it .. 160 does not .. anyways g120a is better ..

also lg h10n is very good too ..


Thanx for the replies!
So everyone suggesting Sony DWQ120A / Sony DWG 120A over DRU 810A?
(which one is latest? & is there any newer model available here? )

Is dvd ram currently available in india? & what price?

If someone happen to crossflash the firmwire then it voids warranty, right? can someone re-flash with actual firmwire & claim warranty if anything goes wrong! or thats not possible in practical field? ( i couldnt find enough reason for crossflashing over buying the other brand instead! if the other brand isnt costlier/available)

Lastly the sony firmwire updates available there doesnt void the warranty right? can anyone give me any proper links for authorized sony firmwires for above makes?

btw will lg h10n be better buy than these sony drives?!
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