Doesn't seem to be discussed anywhere.
Endless loading
So it let's me play start a game, do a cutscene in the headmasters office, then after its over I get a loading screen that never goes anywhere. It just sits there, I watched it for 10 minutes. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Rockstar. Did I pay 30 dollars for a non working game?
So, is anyone NOT having issues with this game? I really want to purchase this, but now I'm worried I'll have to wait for a patch.
one of the post in gtaforums * game has better graphics, same start and THE WORST f*ING CONTROLS EVER!
You run with Left Alt, fight with shift and jump with space. It's impossible to sprint (pumping alt) move left/right and jump at the same time - a procedure that's required a lot of times during the game. That fing pissed me off. The minigames haven't changed a lot, you need to move the mouse IN CIRCLES in order to move the safe in the lockers. You can't starfe, which makes using the mouse... useless, because all I needed was starfing left/right and looking around with the mouse. Big f*ing mistake, R*, big mistake...
The graphics are pretty awesome, I hope they use something like this for GTA4, because in that case the game will run smoothly on my PC.
But goddamn those f*king controls pissed me off...
LOOOOOOOOLEnter adorable miscreant Jimmy Hopkins, whose face appears to be modeled in the likeness of a thirtysomething child molester.
Bully's biggest problem is that it's a shoddy port job, rife with technical missteps that wouldn't warrant comment if they weren't so profoundly damaging to the game. Forget to enable vertical sync, and you can forget completing most classes: In some areas, the game runs at rocket speed, making timed button presses all but impossible. Turn the feature on, however, and prepare for framerate drops that make NASDAQ look stable. (LOOOOOOOOL) . These problems, coupled with frequent crashes and a persistent drifting mouse bug (remember what used to happen when you'd hold down a control stick while booting up a game?) make just playing Bully a frustrating chore.
This 63-bit thing is cooler than the game itself.Vista 63-bit OS I suppose.
It's out & I should be able to get it by today evening or by tomorrow morning tops. The game looks really good on the PC. Hope I don't run into so many bugs which are mentioned elsewhere. I really wanted to try this game on the PC after playing it on the PS2. It was initially PS2 only but later got ported on Wii & Xbox 360. Not it's finally on the PC.