Hmm one point id like to clear, a cell phone wave's power is not enough to induce current in the speaker. Actually, it does not interfear wid the speaker at all! It interfears wid the electronics. There are two types of cellphones used in India: GSM and CDMA. As u all must have noticed, nothing is disturbed when u get an incoming call on a CDMA Phone, only the GSM phone interfears. GSM allots a different frequency to each subscriber to differentiate btw different subscribers. When not in use (as in just switched on and standby) to save battery power, the phone is not in contact wid the tower (that is why if the phone is in standby, and u remove the batt widout switching off, the phone becomes unreachable instead of showing switched off). So whenever the tower gets the call or an SMS, it sends an ENABLE signal to the frequency of the cell phone concerned. The cell phone then "Handshakes" wid the tower by returning the signal (This is the signal that creates the beeps). When the signal reaches the tower, the call is established (Thats why it takes a few secs before the phone rings) And if the signal is NOT returned by the mobile, it is rendered not reachable. When u switch off ur phone, it sends another signal to the tower, signalling that it has been switched off (So the tower does not waste time searching). That is how a GSM mobile works.
Whew! Long post, hey but remember, dont ask for source, cuz i wrote each n every word myself! Hehe