7 Reasons Why Microsoft is Doomed!

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reg DX10.1,do u pro-ms ppl justify that it is a gr8 update

Yup, it bring more efficiency to the code resulting in more work to be done with less clock cycles of the GPU & RAM usage. This will result in significant boost in battery lifes of laptops cos now with DX 10 u can render a comples scene with less overhead.

now how nvidia&amd will come with 8800++ edition for the gfx cards and again upgradation and all are justified under the name of M$.
Lolz...why r u blaming MS if nVidia & AMD are coming up with new power efficient graphics cards?

I repeat, DirectX 10.1 doesn't necessarily needs a new graphics card. It is just a software update like monthly updates to DirectX 9, you can continue to run all the games & features of DX 10.1 on your current DX 10 graphics card.

Uncle...plz fix your spacebar key running in Linux :D, I know its not compatible but atleast look for or make your own drivers


left this forum longback
Junior,My kbd is working fine.seems ur vista ulti-mate is not fairing well with beta drivers.
reg DirectX and other technologies as recent as ooxml against ODF format are all what Microsoft wants users to be locked without choices.
my point is very well pointed out in below post(for new users:)
Microsoft has been scanning the horizon to ensure that no one begins to kick at the blocks that prop up their monopoly. They are constantly looking for new ways to create more blocks. Some of these blocks are directx, drm, application/windows APIs, network interoperability (or the lack thereof), WGA/WGN lie, FUD, patents. Writing for OpenGL means you are writing for multiple platforms which gives a greater overall share.

Another new block is DRM. Yes they have had DRM in their product in one fashion or another for decades--copy protection on software back in the 80s, activation keys in the 90s. The WGN/WGA lie in the 00's is a psychological game meant to make the consumer less in control but to give them a feeling they are being protected. They are essentially forcing the consumer to allow Microsoft to spy on them under the guise of protecting the consumer from organized pirating--this is the fundamental lie. The average consumer is already covered because they generally purchase from the likes of Dell, Gateway, etc. Only a small percentage of sales are from systems integrators and the odds of getting one that is dishonest is even more minuscule. Today it is the essential arm-twisting/drafting of the hardware manufacturers to comply with their draconian DRM/CRM procedures.

Their APIs, not just DirectX, are also locking blocks, that block you from other platform development. Most companies don't have the time to learn multiple platform APIs in order to develop software. Apple recognized this (well NeXt computers did) when they were creating their development tools. Another block they use today are patents. Microsoft is not making a patent portfolio to protect itself, it is making it to prop up the monopoly and to attack competitors such as Linux. Software APIs for productivity applications aren't the barrier they once were. You can see that they will, over time, become less and less important as more and more programs build up for the competitor's platform. Since that form is diminishing there must be other ways for Microsoft to lock you into their platform. Gaming is a key API that they can change regularly. If they can keep changing the gaming API regularly then no entity can conceivably create a 100% compatible layer for other platforms. That's another reason why it is just silly to have game developers writing for directx instead of for OpenGL.

Networking interoperability is another key block that Microsoft uses to block migration from Windows to other platforms. If the interoperability is difficult or impossible even over the short term, large, medium, and small companies will very likely decline migration to Linux (or even OSX).

Patents and FUD seem to go hand in hand. Microsoft knows that if they say enough negative about Linux and threaten enough that migration will be slowed. If they create enough of a patent portfolio that will also slow development as competitors are constantly attempting to figure out what they can legally do and what they can't. DRM is similar in that it can't be copied and used in competitors platforms. The DMCA destroys all hope of that, at least if the user wants to stay 100% legal.

I don't know what the current installed base of Linux is and I'm sure most developers don't either. My estimate is that it is somewhere between 10 and 50 million computers.

When you use all of these together, including FUD and attempting to hide the sheer number of Linux (or any competitors true numbers) you can see how strong these blocks are. It only takes companies and individuals to start knocking more of these blocks out faster to bring down the monopoly. It isn't just having a product or even advertising your product or even giving it away for free. It is in ensuring that the right technologies are used and that enough blocks are kicked out that are supporting that monopoly.

Microsoft is scared shitless over this. They have huge monetary investments that rely on their Windows monopoly to fund them. Microsoft has no intention of getting rid of DRM. They only want to make it so that their major competitor in the arena of music is chopped down. Apple hold the market with the iPod and iTunes because of that DRM and if Microsoft can get everyone buying their products instead of Apple's knowing that they aren't locked in Microsoft can exert much greater advertising in order to overcome Apple's lead--not necessarily overnight but in much shorter order. Everyone knows DRM is a locking mechanism. You have an iPod you are stuck with it if you purchase music from Apple's store. That's a great thing for Apple. It is a highly negative thing for Microsoft. Once Microsoft takes over the digital music market then DRM will be back, in some devious way, a way they are planning for right now.

^^^ this is nothing to anger M$ locked ppl.just a splash of water on the face.that's all.


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praka123 said:
Junior,My kbd is working fine.seems ur vista ulti-mate is not fairing well with beta drivers.

Nah,,all drivers I m using are final

DirectX and other technologies as recent as ooxml against ODF format are all what Microsoft wants users to be locked without choices.

Ok tell me something clearly now, What do u mean by limiting choices?

Is MS stopping developers from making & running OpenGL games for Windows?

Is MS stopping users from running OSS application like Firefox on Windows?

Is MS forcing users to upgrade hardware? If they don't wanna upgrade, then don't. Its not like u don't upgrade hardware to run Linux.

Game developers prefer making games for Windows because it is easier to make games for Windows in DirectX compared to OpenGL & doesn't need any developer side optimisation.

Why shouldn't MS develop DirectX 10.1? Is it wrong to further develop technology, provide new features.?

If OOXML is not an ISO standard then who is at a loss here? Microsoft or OSS? MS Office is the de-facto standard for office out there. People won't bother downloading & saving in ODF cos they don't know whether ODF file is supported at the computer of the guy they are mailing it to. But they know that .Doc is supported there too....so why would they save in ODF? 98% office users out there won't save in ODF cos well...they don't know whether ODF will open somewhere else or not. They will continue to use & save in MS Office format.

Now, if OOXML is not an open standard then who is at loss here? Its OpenOffice.org & other such products. If OOXML becomes an ISO standard that means its an open standard which anyone product can incorporate in it, even OpenOffice can natively support OOXML if it is a open standard by ISO. But since it is not, they can't support it properly.

What does this means? People will continue to use & save in MS office format cos that is the most widely used format out there, while Linux etc will fail to be compatible with this format resulting it people shifting away from OpenOffice etc.

iMav, I m leaving this thread. There is no point discussing & telling them anything because they don't know how to do a group discussion logically. If they think they are right then even if they are not, they can't change there mindset.


Broken In
it is not so easy.I think you are wrong ,still Xp is most populer than other.
Vista is not.Now Microsoft is coming with new friendly feathers.you just wait and see.


East or West Linux is the best. By Linux i mean Fedora, i m also an anti-microsoft. I also think that they will fall as most of the public organisations has started using linux instead of windows.
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