30 GB ipod not responding....:(

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Hello guys,

My 30 GB ipod almost 2 yrs old has stopped responding....It takes to the screen which says contact www.apple.com/support/ipod with a " :( " sign...... I tried the hardware reset... It did not help.... am not able to get the ipod into diagnostic mode nor Disk mode....

I got in touch with the Apple service centre in Forum Mall and they had to say that the battery might need to be replaced.....but the problem is that the battery replacement does not happen here in India and needs to be shipped to the U.S and this is under a battery exchange program which would cost around 3K...and the worst part is that I would be losing all my data in the ipod.. :(

I would like to know, if there is any place in Bangalore where Ipod's are serviced and the battery replaced...

Any other pointers to solve this problem would also be of great help.. :)

Senthil G


The Devil's Advocate
this is all that we can do ourselves:

*www.apple.com/support/ipod/five_rs/ipod5gen/ .... anything other than this should be done by a prof


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Close to 70 views and just one reply... :(

anyways guys, check this link.....


do we have something like this here in Blore ?
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