20K computer upgrade, Please give ur sugestions

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Ambassador of Buzz
hey man, if ur going for 512MB RAM + 3 GHz CPU + DVD writer and future PCIe card, then that P3 PSU won't work. U will need atleast 400 W PSU.
Correct me if I'm wrong.


Ambassador of Buzz
yea very true it mite work rite now widout any problems but if u go for a external gpu and few other stuff than u atleast need a 400w psu for sure.if u can than get a psu rite now.


cryptid said:
thanks for all the info i think i will be change my mind about AMD :)
mean while will u please write me down a good future proof AMD processor + Mobo + 512 RAM + DVD writer which will work out under 20K
please keep in mind that the computer will be used for multitasking and gaming so please try to sqeez this all under 20K. THANX

1st procy mobo combinations-
AMD 64 3500+ ASUS a8n-e=15000approx
AMD 64 3200+ MSI rs482m2-il=11500aprox
the good part is the msi mobo has the best onboard gfx (ati x300) , but it doesnot give ne room fr overclocking :(
u can also go fr AMD 3200+ ASUS A8N-E=13000approx.but no onboard gfx. so ll add a gfx card.
then 512mb ram kingston,transcend=2500
best is sony=3100
liteon similar price.
but ibought lg. its the cheapest, supports max format(DVD RAM also) but sony liteon outperform it.
400w powersafe=1300.
gfx card-nvidia 6200=3500.
so option 1
AMD 64 3200+
LG DVDRW-2700rs
=17500rs approx :D
nvidia 6200gfx=21000approx
option 3
msi rs482m2-il
no gfx card=20000 approx.


how good is ati x300 when compared to GMA950
& and if it is good i think i will go in for the first option u gave since it is coming around 17,500 and please see the first msg and let me know how much should i be getting for my present P3 config if i will get around 5000 Rs then i think i can go in for the second option 21000 wala
and also wat about the PSU think i didnt understand that part!!! and will Linux and work on AMD?? can i do every thing that i do on my Intel processor and mobo??or are they any limitations to it?


ati x300 is much better than gma 950.
see, ati also sells x300 as a low end gfx card too which says alot fr the integrated gpu.
i hv seen ur 1st msg. ya u might get 5000 fr ur machine.
look the pt is PSU that u hv in ur p3 machine wont b able 2 take the load of the new system.
so a new smps atleast of 400w is required.
u can do every thing with amd that u did with intel.
even i had a p3 , and then i switched 2 amd athlon and amd 64. i m very satisfied.

this is my last post till 6th dec. i m goin out


u dont need to update PSU.
im running AMD Athlon 3200+ on my old 200WPSU from the last 5 months with MSI RS480 mobo , Intex 5.1 speakers, Nvidia 6600(nonGT) GPU,1GB RAM,Pixel view TV Tuner card,LG DVD-RW.

No problem till date.

As for your config I tell you one thing.I have updated my system from P4 1.66Ghz to AMD Athlon 3200+.Basically I m very much satisfied with AMD bcoz of its gaming power.But AMD is a bit slow when comes to running multiple aplications like extracting a 500MB winzip file and running a setup and running media player in the background and , all at a time.But u will enjoy its power in Games.

And as for your config I sugest you this:

AMD Athlon 3000+ (Socket939) - Rs 6000
ASUS A8N-VM - Rs 4400
LG DVD Writer - Rs 3000
2 * 512MB Transcend RAM - Rs 4200

Rs - 17600

Check the Specs of the motherboard in this link:
*Integrated Geforce 6 GPU
*1 PCI-16X slot

There is one more mobo MSI-RS480-IL - Rs 4800 u may opt for it also.
ANd if u want to add Graphic card ,add atleat Nvidia 6600 as the onboard graphics are in a sense equalent to Nvidia 6200 with no TV-out.


Goto CTC ,Secunderabad
and ask the latest rates.
It should be around 6K


I went to CTC yesterday all the shop keepers told me its around 6300 Rs i am so happy to hear that and 6600GT is 9000 Rs,,, do u think i can get them to reduce the rates a little bit i mean around 6100 or 6000


So may b u can go for 64bit Sempron as the processor and it will reduce the cost by 3000RS/- if the budget is going >20K

U may get some discount if u buy many peripherals from the same shop.So u may get 6600 @ 6000Rs

bargain a lot :lol:
and stick to 6600.


well ok here is what i have decided to get according to my needs i am open any sort of suggestion so plz suggest anything better than this

mobo D915G GMA900 + Pentium 4ht 3 GHz = 11,400
Cabinet = 1,200
LG DVD writer = 2800
Graphic Card XFX GeForce 6600(non-GT) = 6300
RAM 512 MB DDR = 1900
so it totals upto 23,700
and i am expecting 4000 for my old system so i think i will end spending 19,700 for ppl who want to know my present com config please check the first post of this thread

i am not sure of the RAM price please correct it if it is wrong
and also write AMD equivalent of this config i didnt do much research bout AMD's prices because i herd AMD systems are not good for multitasking so if ne body disagrees with what i have herd then go ahead and write a AMD config for me


ok i see that ur a die hard AMD Fan even i am like u when it comes to OS's i would say that Linux is Better than Microsoft any day, i also know that saying this to a person who doesnt use Linux would be like displaying ur jewels to a Pig so please gimme the multitasking details of AMD and compare them to Intel Pentium 4 HT i know that when it comes to games AMD rules but the primary use of my computer is not Gaming, i hope u understand what i am tryin to say


cryptid said:
invisible said:
One sentence "both are good"
Ur not helping Dude

U r not listening to me :evil: U r thinking that i support only AMD

man if u want intel go for intel
if u want AMD go for AMD.


Dude even i know i have both the option open (to buy a Intel or AMD rig) i have been posting on this thread to find out which is better and how does the better product have the edge over the other and the price to performance ratio . so please think twice before u post

i dont mean to be rude but i couldnt find a softer way of saying what i had to say

Peace out.


if u need to know which is better Inter V/s AMD
then please search our forum.THere are heaps of threads about this issue.


Take this month's CHIP magazine to know about AMD V/S INtel.
50 processors benchmarked.
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