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i use a dial-up connection
i noted my dynamic IP address .... say

in the Run dialog box i wrote

and the contents of my c: were displyed in the explorer window ..

well it didnt even ask for my ADMIN password .... i thought it wud ... :(

in that case, can anyone sitting at a remote location access the contents of my PC provided he knows my IP address ... he can create edit or modify files ..... thats scary man ...

can anyone explain .... my partitions are FAT32 and not NTFS

i thought of trying it .... called up a friend but since its well past 12 he seems to have slept :)

can anyone explain !!


this must ask for admin password from other machines

btw delete those admin shares if you don't use them.


right cick on ur c:\ and disable sharing if uve put it on share
if u use a pwd for windows then it'll ask when another comp tries to connect
also urs is a dynamic ip so it'll change everytime
besides that is a private ip , can only be accessed on an intranet .. not over the ineternet


theraven said:
right cick on ur c:\ and disable sharing if uve put it on share
if u use a pwd for windows then it'll ask when another comp tries to connect
also urs is a dynamic ip so it'll change everytime
besides that is a private ip , can only be accessed on an intranet .. not over the ineternet

Well, what do you know! Even the contents of my C: drive were displayed when I tried with my IP. I checked my partitions and none of them have sharing enabled. So how come this is happening?


@anybody who knows networking
Arent our IPs supposed to be Dynamic anyway?
So if it keeps on changing y bother?
Also,isnt it risky to openly give out ones ip?
@iinfi u shud have used 192.xxx.xxx.xxx
or watever


That IP address 192.168.x.x is a private IP address.It cant be routed from the internet.That is you cant access that IP address from the internet.

You shoudlnt post your public IP address in public which can be either a static IP address or a dynamic IP address.


@paraman if u ur ip is private or ur using local loopback its gonna show ur drive
however if u try accessing another computer the same way it wont show unless u are allowed to and sharing is enabled


that 192.168.x.x which i had posted was jus for example

the actual IP address that my ISP assigns is 220.224.xxx.xxx .....

my file sharing is disabled but still when i typed

\\220.224.xxx.xxx\c$ i got the contents of my C drive displayed ... is the 220.224.xxx.xxx a public or private IP address ...??


The 220.224.xxx.xxx is a public IP address.
After issuing the "\\220.224.xxx.xxx\c$" at run prompt you get the contents of your C drive because the drive is shared.Most importantly you are addressing it locally i.e root access
Incase you've shared it then if there is a internal LAN present,users will be able to view your C drive.

Delete that default C$ share if you want

Start>run>cmd>net share "share name" /delete

In your case
net share c$ /delete


my PC is a stand-alone and not connected to any LAN ..

i connect it to the net thru dial up connection ..

that means no one can access my HDD thru this command RIGHT ???


Cyborg Agent
Well, they would still be prompted for a username and password even if they do get it. My advice would be to configure your firewall to disallow shares from anything other than a trusted network/PC. That way, even if someone tries to access a share with a password, they would be denied, as should be the case for maximum security.


I asked a friend of mine to write this
at his command prompt ....

he said he got some network error ......saying there is no such computer ...
but he was at his workplace ....
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