100% repair of Laptop & Desktop Motherboard

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Guide To Purchase Secondhand Laptop

  • Laptop is used to carry from place to place…so people who travel a lot must think of the weight of the laptop.
  • Every battery has a lifetime. So going for a Laptop with hardly any battery backup is not suggested. Minimum of 45 minutes battery backup is very necessary. So while purchasing the secondhand laptop please keep in mind to check the laptop only on battery for minimum 30 minutes and also keep an eye on battery usage indicator.
  • Carry with yourself an audio, video & Blank CD/DVD so that u can check the audio section and video section of the laptop including the CD/DVD read/write test.
  • Run the scandisk utility available in all versions of windows and check for bad sector in hard disk.
  • Take with yourself any external device like thumb drive to test the USB port.
  • Take with yourself SD memory card to test Card Reader (If the option is available on the laptop)
  • Take any good floppy to test the floppy drive (Any how current Laptops are not coming with Floppy Drive)
  • Take an external headphone and microphone to test the external audio port.
  • Attach the laptop to the external monitor to check the external VGA port is working or not.
  • Open any word file and check all the keys are working or not.
  • Check for battery charging for 5 to 10 minutes and see the battery indicator is showing charging.
  • Press the window and the break keys on the keyboard and see the amount of RAM and CPU details. Further chick the hardware option and then the Device manager to see all driver are installed or not. There should be no Exclamation mark.
  • Slide the LCD screen slowly on the hinges and check any flicker on the display if so there may be a problem on the connector cable driving the LCD circuit of the laptop.
  • Also check the Modem, Bluetooth & Wi-Fi Port if available on your laptop to be purchased (Do only if you know) I will be writing on these subject next.
  • Check the laptop minimum for 45 minutes to see whether laptop hangs or restarts or shutdowns.
  • See the Laptop User manual and Driver CD are there with the Laptop.
  • See that u get a laptop carry case, otherwise u have to purchase one.
  • If all the conditions meets out OK and within your budget just go for it.
  • Happy LAPTOPing.


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What happened No Member Comment

What happened no member comment on my article on guide to purchase second hand laptop. After reading please leave your comment so that i get energy to write further.

Sandip Golani

Choto Cheeta

I have one question...

If you read the charger it says between 110v to 240v.... now one thing all vendors here at Kolkata say when you by a notebook, dont charge it on Genrator or Inverter power !!!

As you are in this feild please tell me are todays moderm notebooks can be charged on inverter / Generator power ?? the question is not only about Notebook charger, I was adviced dont run the TV on generator because of flactuating voltage, while my 7 year old Philips power vission is running quote fine on generator or under inverter !!!

So please shade some light on it !!



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Hi: Chota Cheeta

Nice to have your question and nice that u r from kolkata because i belong to the same place.

Now Power supply from generator or Invertor generally voltage is OK But the concerned factor is the frequncy and the wave shape of the output what we get is not sine wave and even not 50 hertz, so therefore we should not run any hi ended electronics devices on such available power supply. But there are cases where u have no choise, then one can take the risk.

Sandip Golani


In the zone
santapg said:
Hi! i am Sandip Golani from kolkata India, Engaged in chip Level Repairing & Troubleshooting Of Laptop & Desktop Motherboard, If Any Board User have any problem in laptop or desktop hardware or software pls feel free to write in this forum. I will answer to all questions.

Thank Board

Sandip Golani

I have 17 Gb hard disk with me and it is not detecting.
I have removed that hard disk from computer and kept it in a safe place.

is there any way hard disk cna be replaired.
it is not deteced in bios.


Just another linux lover.
Nice informative thread....

Here is one request...

Can you please post motherboard beep signal codes which signals different faults of motherboard...and how to interpret them...

Thanks in advance...

Subrata Bera.


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Thanks for the members who are saying the thread is informative

Thanks to all the members who feel the information is informative. Thanks for giving me tropic to write also i will love to write any thing related to motherboard, Laptopor electronics....its 16 years spended in chiplevel repairing and also imparting training on the same subject.

I will write the tropic on motherboard troubleshooting.

Sandip Golani


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santapg said:
Hi! i am Sandip Golani from kolkata India, Engaged in chip Level Repairing & Troubleshooting Of Laptop & Desktop Motherboard, If Any Board User have any problem in laptop or desktop hardware or software pls feel free to write in this forum. I will answer to all questions.

Thank Board

Sandip Golani


Your message could be a godsend for me. I have a problem which is really bothering me !

I have a presario SR 1930 IL. It had 512 MB memory as supplied by Compaq. I put another 1 GB memory (same frequency) in the second slot. The computer does not read second memory, it keeps showing 512 MB only.

However, when we removed 512 MB, it worked fine with 1 GB RAM. We tried all sorts of things such as changing the slots etc. In between, it started showing both memories. After about 5 - 6 days, the 1 GB disappeared again !

Thinking it is a compatibility problem only, I ordered another identical 1 GB memory. Again, it is showing only one memory of 1 GB. It does not read both memories. I am at my wit's end.

I am now running the computer with one 1 GB RAM, in the slot which NOT read if both memories are there. It seems to be running OK right now as I type it.

It is really bothering me. Can you help ? I am in Kolkata too and we can talk if u like. If you leave a msg, I will give u a call.

..:: Free Radical ::..

The Transcendental
dear santapg,
most of us here have assembled our own desktops but very few of us know details of laptop hardware.
can you advise if its reasonable to assemble our own laptops.
Please advise on component details, availability and info necessary for the same.
Also, since tablet pcs are not available easily in India,, can you please also tell us more about the Penabled tablet screen, how and where to get it and if possible, how to build a tablet. I have also come across screen digitizers for the laptop which can be used to convert a normal laptop lcd into a tablet. I hope these are not exotic gadgets and it is possible to build such a customized laptop. Kindly reply in detail. Shall look forward to your comments.


..:: Free Radical ::.. said:
dear santapg,
most of us here have assembled our own desktops but very few of us know details of laptop hardware.
can you advise if its reasonable to assemble our own laptops.
Please advise on component details, availability and info necessary for the same.
Also, since tablet pcs are not available easily in India,, can you please also tell us more about the Penabled tablet screen, how and where to get it and if possible, how to build a tablet. I have also come across screen digitizers for the laptop which can be used to convert a normal laptop lcd into a tablet. I hope these are not exotic gadgets and it is possible to build such a customized laptop. Kindly reply in detail. Shall look forward to your comments.

Assembling a laptop is no difficult task either. But the hardware needed (barebones, component choices, etc.) don't have any retail presence in India. Meaning you don't get the stuff you need to build a laptop from scratch in the market.

So, buying a branded notebook PC is the only option. Now that there are hundreds of options to choose from, it's not difficult to find the laptop of your choice in the given budget. Dell also offers some basic customization in their laptops sold in India. So, you can always resort to their systems.


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See as far as the IT has proceeded assembly laptop in large scale is possible but not one for u and me. So think of going for a good brand.

Sandip Golani
my motherboard with chipset i845 has a 3.3v/5v connector near the AGP slot, what is the purpose of it.. does it need to be plugged in with a drive cable to generate more power for the AGP card.. please help... i currently use a pci (not pci-e) card.

another query.. my mobo Intel VC820 with RD RAM failed to start.. no activity... afaik the mobo will not boot if RAM has failed.. is it true..

thanks in advance pal..


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Re: Hi! Solomon

santapg said:
HI! solomon, i am busy today so i will be give ur answer tomorrow

Sandip Golani

Will appreciate if u cud look at my problem too .. it is really bothering me .. thanks ..


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Hi sandeep...i have a problem...one of my friends pc had problems of not booting...the processor was find defective and we got it replaced..since then the key board and mouse is not working..There is no power in keyboard or mouse...Booting goes on well..and it is not stopping at any keyboard error..Xp loads succesfully but..noting can be done bcoz..there is no input available..I even tried a usb mouse,,,but its not working..


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Keyboard and mouse no power problem

All desktop motherboard has a fuse near the keyboard jack through which 5v DC flows the fuse has blown off. It controls both keyboard and mouse.

Sandip Golani


Right off the assembly line
santapg said:
Hi! i am Sandip Golani from kolkata India, Engaged in chip Level Repairing & Troubleshooting Of Laptop & Desktop Motherboard, If Any Board User have any problem in laptop or desktop hardware or software pls feel free to write in this forum. I will answer to all questions.

Thank Board

Sandip Golani

Hi i am PRAVIN form nagpur. I want to know from where i can get desktop & laptop motherboard POWER IC & LPC IC. Which eprom programer to buy for flashing BIOS of laptop & desktop motherboard.

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