
  1. Raaabo

    Donald Drumpf!

    Ever since John Oliver made fun of Donald Trump on Last Week Tonight, the word Drumpf has taken off. So what do the guys at MIT do? They used an AI program to input all of Trump's speeches, and try and output Trump-like statements. They then tweet those statements. Check them out now before...
  2. [rApToR]

    Need Help in Programming .... Its Important !

    Plz help me by giving me the following program code ... (Plz use only 'C' Programming Language .... Conditional Statements and Iterative Statements) Program #1 : Write a program to check if the given no. is an Armstrong no. ? Program #2 : Write a program to print :: * * * * * * * * * *...
  3. hbk549

    Help me to Decide

    Help me to Decide wheatger to Buy Xbox360 or Playstation3 Please help me your statements will help me to decide
  4. hafees

    C programming Puzzles!!!

    Here is a c puzzle for u. :) can u complete the following C program so that the output will look like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 int main() { ..... int k; //no other variable should be declared. printf("\n%d",k); //no other print statements. .............. // u...
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