
  1. redhat

    AC to USB cord

    Friends, I have a T610 MP3 player... I will soon be travelling, and will require my player along. I will have access to a AC current, but not to a computer, hence I am wondering how to recharge my player.... Does anyone have any idea? Well, I have one of those chinese adapters, that do...
  2. soumya

    Recharge your iPod with your shirt

    U.S. scientists have developed a microfiber fabric that generates its own electricity, making enough current to recharge a cell phone or ensure that a small MP3 music player never runs out of power. Full Story
  3. devil_me

    charge your mobile once every month

    It seems that in some time we dont require to charge our mobiles and ipods every 1 or 2 days instead can keep them on for more than several weeks without a recharge. A laptop can go on for a whole day too. Its not magic but a new battery technology. Read this to know what I am actually talking...
  4. R

    iRing Controls Your iPod

    With a stylish design and wireless Bluetooth connectivity with your iPod and iPhone, ,the iRing allows you to control playback and volume on any of your Apple media devices. iRing features a bright OLED status display with touch-sensitive function strip, and a rechargeable battery life of up to...
  5. M

    where has my money gone????

    well...i was receiving messages on my airtel lifetime prepaid that......if u do erecharge for 51...ull get to pay 99 paise...on airtel to airtel...and sms rate to 2.25......and today the last day....... well my talktime reduced to i decided to do recharge..........i wasnot in...
  6. S

    Player accessories--PLZ PLZ reply

    i wanted to buy transcend 610 series 1 GB model.but it has only USB what if am travelling??how can i recharge that there any accessory with which i can recharge from electric sockets.plz tell me??? i also thought of iriver -iFP 790 model but i couldnt find it in...
  7. D


    FABMALL.COM in association with OXIGEN introduced MOBILE online recharge. presently it is limited to few circles with limited options. anyway good begining. ANYONE KNOW ANY OTHER SITES PROVIDING ONLINE RECHARGE? PLEASE SHARE HERE. I THINK IT IS VERY CONVIENIENT FOR HOME PC USERS.
  8. gdatuk

    ipod batter recharge

    my friend told me that ipod battery has got a recharge life time of just 500 times... is that true?? or just another bhakwas bit of talk?
  9. gdatuk

    Recharge prepaids for free

    Dear My all friends Please follow the instruction & you can recharge your SIM card absolutely free. Yes it is possible, see how technology can be used to make technicians fool. [Edited] drgrudge HEE HEE HEE..ban gaye na fool. I have already told you, at the start of this mail. How to make...
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