
  1. pratyush997

    RIM may end up owing Nokia $5 per phone

    *www.thinkdigit.com/Mobiles-and-PDAs/RIM-loses-patent-dispute-with-Nokia-over_11546.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- link
  2. I

    weird problem in XP

    whenever i try 2 login,the keyboard n mousepad ceases to work or keeps hanging if THE BATTERY TO THE LAPTOP IS CONNECTED. but as soon as i remove the battery,it starts up fine. i hav a 256MB RAM...and i bought an additional 512MB but owing to these problem,i am not sure if i should upgrade the...
  3. dreamcatcher

    Klueless 2 launched by iim

    Hey guys remember last year when this forum was reeking with comments from u guys owing to kluless by iim indore....wee they have started it again...with klueless 2....check it out and post your queries and achievements owing to klueless 2 here.... happy saerching for clues...
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