
  1. amitava82

    !..All Discussion related to Digit IRC..!

    After a long discussion, we at #Digit IRC have decided to spam the forum with some fun-bites directly from the channel :p These are some samples, if you want more just visit #Digit IRC channel. Before we go into details, here are some helpful links: <Edit> A New Channel Another unofficial...
  2. E

    Browser does not open, when clicked on a link

    My browser (IE6) use to open automatically, and take me to the web site as soon as I clicked on a link. Now, that does not happen. How do I get that thing going again?I have Presario 2800 and XP (SP2) as OS. Thanks Nitin
  3. N

    Help in choosing AMD

    Hi Friends, I need help in choosing an AMD processor and motherboard. I can hear a lot of jargon such as amd64, etc. Please advice me on the best configuration and their pricing. regards, Nitin.
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