
  1. doomgiver

    RIFT, f2p mmo

    anyone else playing it? if not, i highly suggest you give it a try, its pretty good, and doesnt have the usual pay to win bullcr@p that goes with most mmo's. join the EU servers (better ping) and come have some fun.
  2. Nerevarine

    MMO Gamers

    If you play any MMOs, post here..
  3. Anorion

    Twinking - how to have fun in almost any mmo

    mmos are a grind, they soon get repetetive and boring, and most people tend to stop playing as soon as they cap a few chars the end game is always criticized for being updated too infrequently, so what is it that you can do in this digital environment the answer is twinking, playing mmos...
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