
  1. Q

    Match MySQL result from keywords

    i am working on a business listing site ... there are 2 tables .. business table (which contains the name and address descriptions etc) and keywords table (which will contain several keywords to define the business and each keywords will be separated by comma (,) ).. Suppose a user search...
  2. naveen_reloaded

    Question : Keyword / Rank / New blog

    Hi all i just want to know whether it is a good idea to port my 140 articles from blogspot to newly hosted wordpress blog ?? will it affect my rank of the new blog , wht about search terms or say keywords ?? i am mainly eyeing on making money... so i dont want to spoil.... it.. wht shall...
  3. M

    My Domain is Under Google SandBox Effect

    Friends, I want urgent help! Actually my new domain * is under Sandbox Effect! Exactly after one month this is happening! Google Search Traffic dropped to 0 (zero). I read various articles and all say that SandBox effect is imposed on those domains which uses heavy...
  4. S

    Question About !Google!

    Hello Guys, I want to know about that how can i add my website to google search page. where can i add keywords? i used and i added my site but when i tried to search some keywords related my site it says " no match found" then i use google webmaster but webmaster it too...
  5. R

    Airtel NOP

    Does anyone know to which number i have to sent sms to activate it with what keywords. I am from UP west (Meerut) Thanx.
  6. R

    Search Engine Optimization ~ Master Tutorial

    Search Engine Optimization -- Master Tutorial I have seen a lot of good tutorials about search engines and how to optimize your site to suit them, but very quite few of them are extensive, meaning they don't cover all the points needed, plus they are not 100% perfectly newbie-friendly...
  7. tuXian

    .:: Correct Way Of Specifying Keywords In Meta Tags? ::.

    Which is the correct/effective way of specifying keywords in Meta Tags <META NAME = "keywords" CONTENT = "keyword1,keyword2,keyword3,keyword4,keyword5,keyword6,keyword7,keyword8,keyword9,keyword10,keyword11"> OR <META NAME = "keywords" CONTENT = "keyword1 keyword2 keyword3 keyword4...
  8. H

    Top Ranking in Major Search Engines

    Hi Folks, I've written this article long back so it may have some errors though almost every part is correct and works for me and every member of the boards where I've posted it so far. This Tutorial works for sure. I've used this method on 4 of my websites and it works like a charm, same...
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