
  1. V

    soundcard problem how to solve it?

    When i start winamp the messaga sees " MMSYSTEM002 error. device is out of frequency " What i have to do to solve this problem? I can't here any sound in computer.
  2. D


    My config consist of ASUS A7N8X DELUXE mobo, ATHLON XP 2400+ CPU, 512MB DDR RAM. Of late, my PC is shutting down and restarting on its own. The CPU External Frequency (MHz) is set at 133MHz and the CPU Frequency Multiple Setting is set at Auto in the Bios. Is the CPU External Frequency to be set...
  3. club_pranay

    Check Your Speaker's Frequency Response

    download this file * (100% legal) and dont forget to turn off any equalizer/ enhancements to your audio outputs this track has pure frequencies from 20Hz to 20 kHz, if u observe a volume drop... it means your spk cannot handle...
  4. K

    two ram module with diff frequency

    two ram module with diff frequency i have 256 mb 266Hz hynix(OEM) and i m planning to buy 512 MB 400Hz ZION will they both work on my asrock 845gv chipset mobo, it wont matter me if they both run at 266Hz :?
  5. K

    Few questions regarding RAM

    Hey folks........... I have a few questions about RAM.......... What is RDRAM?? How is it different from SDRAM and DDR?? How can I know what kind of RAM i have?? I have 128 Mb RAM with a frequency of 133MHz. I benchmarked my RAM and got the following results. Can anyone figure out the...
  6. F

    few questions about BIOS

    what does AGP frequency mean?? does increasing it has any performance boost??When one OC AMD 64 processor the memory frequency increases as well. does that means one "ll need to hav a nice memory module to even overclock 100 mhz over threshold speed???
  7. S

    Comparing Amd Vs Intel

    Hey Answer this please Please look at the following table and tell me the truth. Processor Frequency L2 Cache Athlon 64 3200+ 2.0 GHz 1 MB Athlon 64 3400+ 2.4 GHz 512 KB...
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