
  1. koolbluez

    Dunno 'bt this, but anyone tried FlashGet Hack!! It Rocks!!!

    FlashGet Hack is a damn good hack(legal) for FlashGet which allows us to split the files downloaded by FlashGet into 30 simultaneous pieces, unlike the normal 10 pieces. Of course, it does suck up all ur internet speed, so I recommend it only for high-spped users, atleast 256kbps/32kBps My...
  2. Gaurav

    Help Using Mcafee with flashget

    How do I evoke mcafee virus scanner to scan downloaded files automatically in flashget. What should I type under the virus scanner option(of flashget) so that the downloaded file is scanned with mcafee automatically. Using win98SE Flashget 1.65 McAfee VirusScan9 Professional only.
  3. dreams

    Internet Query !!!!

    hi guys.. i use BSNL's Dial-Up conn to connect to the internet. Usually i can see 35 - 45 Kbps speed shown when connected to the internet. But when i d/l i dont get anythin above 5 Kbps. I use flashget 2 d/l. Why is this huge difference. Help needed. Thnx in adv.
  4. S

    how to priortise softwares for net

    you know how we can pirortise stuff like, in windows task manager, we can give high priority , or low priortiy to something can that be done to internet ??? can i priortise internet explorer to high and flashget to low so that both can work in harmony, and when i am not surfing speed...
  5. maximus999


    Hello..........Guyz...Straight up to the question...........I had the download manager FLASHGET installed on my PC.for some reasons i wanted to remove it..i.e; Uninstall it so i did it by going to Add/Remove programs....all done....Still after Removing it and all its components Whenever I right...
  6. F

    Flashget . . . . . . . ADWARE DETECTED !!!!!

    I have Microsoft AnitSpyware and AdAware pro installed on ma comp. Recently i installed flashget (a download manager). Now, these two anti-adware programs have started detecting flashget as an ADWARE BUNDLER! If flashget is trully an adware, which other download manager could i skip to??? Is...
  7. F

    Flashget Unflashed !!!

    Hey guys! I recently installed Flashget 1.65. After about a week of succesfull operation, now wen i start dis piece of s/w, it automatically closes after 5 seconds of its start. Cud u tell me wats d prob wid it??? How can i rectify it?
  8. S

    Heres My hijackthis log....suggestions ?

    Just wanted to know if theres any thing i can do away with :) C:\WINDOWS\system32\lsass.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\spoolsv.exe C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE C:\WINDOWS\myCIO\Agent\myAgtTry.Exe C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk...
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