
  1. heartripple

    Eror code 69 ???

    Hi Guys 1 of my friend is facing 1 problem.He is using windows XP SP-2. when he turn on his computer he is getting an eror code. Eror code 69: System begining to dump. We reinstalled the os few time but its not working. After reinstalling XP computer runs without any...
  2. mohitgiri

    vista software help.

    i installed vista bussiness. m facing some probleams in some softwares. 1 my nero 6.6 is not working. compatibility eror. 2. my power dvd 7 is running but doing some probleam when i run vob files from my hdd eror is "rundll 32" releted eror. 3. my norton av 2006 is not working...
  3. mohitgiri

    pc restarting

    hi friends, I have winxp sp2. everytimes when i plug dku 5 (nokia connectivity cable) and acess it my pc restart autometicly. also some times when i use to my dial up mode for net pc restart. after restarting my pc shows this eror message. ' '" windows had recovered from a serious eror'...
  4. mohitgiri

    GTA san andres eror

    i installed gta san andres but after when thje installation completed. the eror is show gta an andreas encounted a eror and need to close. i m confused. i hjav a 512+256 ram and intel orig 865 bord and pentium d procesor. al things r advanced. then what is probleam help me
  5. JhonCena

    NAV Problem!!!

    I 've Windows XP (sp2) (geniune). I installed Norton Antivirus 2005 a year ago. After few days my pc started running in safe mode. I deleted all the files and folders of NAV 2005. Now pc is OK After one year(today) . i am installing NAV 2006. and the probleb is in installing. when i...
  6. S

    Abrupt shutdown

    I use windows xp, 2.4 GHz P4 processor, 256 Mb RAM.. While working sometimes my comuter restarts abruptly and somtimes the screen just wents blank... after which I have to restart it coldly..Here is the eror msg which I got after restart.. [/img]
  7. S


    I have one wwf game cd but too old it also has virtual game station loaded now when i installed this game i got an eror message saying that it will work only with win 98, now I have win XP so what should I do?????????????????????????
  8. rohanbee

    I.E 6 keeps closing itself down

    Hi, I have this peculiar problem with my comp. The internet explorer 6 works fine when i have 2 or 3 windows open, max at the same time. However if a fourth or even fifth opens. There is an eror message that says IE experienced a problem and will now shut down, would you like to send an eror...
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