
  1. A

    Diffrence between graphic card

    Diffrence between DDR5 and DDR3 graphic card
  2. M

    which one to choose hd 6870 or gtx 470..

    hey.. planning to get one rig but problem with choosing the gpu. i read like 470 and 6870 are almost the same and i belive 470 is 1k more than the other. and this cost diffrence aint matters. so which one is the best among them
  3. prem4u

    Diff B/w Macro and Inline

    can anyone give brief explaination of diffrence between Macros and inline of C..?? general diffrence, Diff in Memory allocated and used..
  4. sandeepkochhar

    Samsung D900i vs U600

    Which one of these is a better choice...Features I guess are exactly the same..Price diffrence though is abt Rs 1200..What do you say?
  5. P

    sata 1/2

    Hi, I wanted to know that is there any diffrence between the connectors of sata1 and sata2.
  6. 786

    P4 vs C2D, which is the best for gaming?

    I AM REALLY CONFUSED ABOUT THE DIFFRENCE ABOUT P4 & C 2 D PROCESSORS. Can one explain what is the diffrence between P4 and Core 2 Duo processors(like some where I read that- 2.13GHz E6400's performance is better than P4 3.4GHz)? How is that possible? Which type of processor do you prefer:-...
  7. arunks

    ubuntu kbubuntu edubuntu

    whats difference between these three.. i dont know one organisation is dealing with three releases in parallel.. also any body plz tell me buts basic diffrence in kde and gnome
  8. B

    diffrence ????

    what is the diffrence btw nfsmw black edition & normal nfsmw ???? :)
  9. B

    beta & meta

    what is the diffrence between meta & beta ????
  10. vandit

    diffrence between GNOME and KDE

    I am new to linux( currently using suse ) can anyone explain me the diffrence between GNOME and KDE ?? :oops:
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