
  1. comp@ddict

    Network not working

    My LAN connection is not appearing on the taskbar. I cannot connect to the internet. When I checked the Device Manager, there was a yellow question mark over my Intel Onboard 10/100 LAN device. Please help, I need my Internet conenction up and running, ASAP. I have a 915 Intel mobo, 512 MB RAM...
  2. expertno.1

    mp3 chat

    hey i think the yahoo msgr uses wave for voice chatting which is erroneous for my freind having a 28.8 conenction can we chat using mp3 or mp3 pro ?
  3. D

    Cant use Downlaod Managers

    I havea broadband conenction and everytime I use a Download Manager such as Download Accelerator or Mass Downloader, data trasnmssion just halts. I have Net4India Broadband conenction and was wondering if any face a similar problem. I called for the Network Admin, but he says my...
  4. D

    Broadband conxn keeps dropping

    This is one of the most irritating problems that one can face when connected on the internet. Its when the conenction keeps failing. Ive had this similar experience when I was on Dial-up. The Blaster worm paid me a visit. But this time I am on Broadband and for some reasons, my conenction keeps...
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