LFY DVD's Problem !

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Dark Star

Dark Star

Cyborg Agent
Thanks for the reply.. I still would like to point on some of your statements : - 0

1. I live in Chandigarh and that's why I got Cardboard based Magz Cover.. I will go with the Plastic based cover Sealed perfectly.. Please do not stick or insert Media in Cover or inside the Magazine.. Here are few Images that will give you an idea about CD cases :)

*www.linux-magazine.com/var/linux_m...412-1-eng-US/linuxmagazinecover_93_medium.jpg | *www.linux-magazine.com/var/linux_m..._86/136476-1-eng-US/linuxmagazinecover_86.jpg | *www.linux-magazine.com/var/linux_m..._88/174074-1-eng-US/linuxmagazinecover_88.jpg

See the covers are made of cardboard type material but looks awesome :D I hope something similar should be opted :D

A qutoe from my friend " DVD's which are shipped to Himachal rarely work.. really yaar. they suck.."

2 . Yes .. That's a nice step.. Moser Baer though not the best but certainly a reliable source.. and Digit DVD's are also replicated by the same :)They never created any problem whether its booting or anything.. I just hope my OS hunt will continue again :D

3. I never ever thought about money when I point on old issues pdf's.. You can provide old issue pdf only in Anniversary Issue !

4. Getting more advertisement is must.. At least in the initial stage :D We/Users have no problem with that :) Also its not necessary to add Linux Ads.. Do add Dell , Intel and other ads if possible.. That will boost Funds for further improvements..

5. Well I asked my friends and I think the issue is with DVD's.. Though I can't notice scratches on Medias.. But DVD's just don't work.. Maybe s/w replication error too.. One thing I would like to point that ... The DVD worked fine when I insert it while OS is running.. Main problem is with Booting.. Also I bet the DVD quality is responsible cause while surfing the contents DVD failed to respond..

6. 3 DVD's .. and Debian.. One suggestion dump big OS for that issue. Provide other tiny projects like Arch ,Myah , Dream Linux and all..

I have been reading LFY since one year. But when is you anniversary ? .. Do include User Article Section !

Being a Linux magazine you guys are doing a great job.. But try to include a small section for gadgets ... Please include wallpaper collection of 30-100 in Cd's :)

On thing.. Do go through this months PCWORLD Magzine.. I don't wanna compare it.. But just check their presentation. I think they pwn every magazine in terms of presentation.. I would like to see similarly pimped LFY :D In future ;) I notice Blunders in term of content but the presentation is just awesome :D

I want one favor, can you please include Elephant's Dream Movie ?.. I am dying to watch that too but due to bad Internet I am unable to d/l it :| If possible do provide bigger resolution ogg file ;-) By the way how was my Big Buck Bunny review ?

Another Suggestion.. I just can't stop myself :p If possible. Do organize Competition like Users Review/Tutorial Competition.. Organize this with the help of sponsers and the person/user with the best review wins a gadget .. :p Like ipod Nano ,PSP or something useful :p Digit organized the comp. and they gave away laptops and ipod touch.. Note this is just a brainstorm.. Its not necessary to do so :)

Ok Mailed him your querie too :) Lets ask him for a LFY Forum D:
Last edited:


In the zone
good work..
i m also a fan of linux for u...
i think they will improve in future..
give them a little more time man


AS for The Fedora 9 DVD, if you check the media, it shows errors, even Fedora 8 of earlier months.


Cyborg Agent
atleast someone here other than me loves LFY...

Try updating your drive's firmware.. and look at the line replicated by XXXX for LFY.. and see if the other DVD's replicated by the same company works or not..

You are not alone .. :p I hv LFY since its first edition :)
Dark Star

Dark Star

Cyborg Agent
Another reply mail from LFY !

Thanks for the reply.. I still would like to point on some of your
statements : - 0

1. I live in Chandigarh and that's why I got Cardboard based Magz Cover.. I
will go with the Plastic based cover Sealed perfectly..:D Please do not
stick or insert Media in Cover or inside the Magazine.. Here are few Images
that will give you an idea about CD cases :)

inecover_93_medium.jpg |
zinecover_86.jpg |

See the covers are made of cardboard type material but looks awesome :D I
hope something similar should be opted :D

A qutoe from my friend " DVD's which are shipped to Himachal rarely
work.. really yaar. they suck.."

>>> Thanks for the images. As mentioned in the earlier email, we will
certainly try and use one of these, once we have the funds. But, the new
packaging (for the DVD right now) is also slick. Do check it out and let us
know your first impression.

2 . Yes .. That's a nice step.. Moser Baer though not the best but certainly
a reliable source.. and Digit DVD's are also replicated by the same :)They
never created any problem whether its booting or anything.. I just hope my
OS hunt will continue again :D

>>> We hope (and pray) too.

3. I never ever thought about money when I point on old issues pdf's.. You
can provide old issue pdf only in Anniversary Issue !

>>> Good idea.

4. Getting more advertisement is must.. At least in the initial stage :D
We/Users have no problem with that :) Also its not necessary to add Linux
Ads.. Do add Dell , Intel and other ads if possible.. That will boost Funds
for further improvements..

>>> Totally agree. We are trying. Let's see, how things work out.

5. Well I asked my friends and I think the issue is with DVD's.. Though I
can't notice scratches on Medias.. But DVD's just don't work.. Maybe s/w
replication error too.. One thing I would like to point that ... The DVD
worked fine when I insert it while OS is running.. Main problem is with
Booting.. Also I bet the DVD quality is responsible cause while surfing the
contents DVD failed to respond..

>>> Interesting facts here. Will try and understand why the booting problem
is happening most of the times.

6. 3 DVD's .. and Debian.. One suggestion dump big OS for that issue.
Provide other tiny projects like Arch ,Myah , Dream Linux and all..

>>> Ok. Noted. perhaps we could do BIG and small distros together :)

I have been reading LFY since one year. But when is you anniversary ? .. Do
include User Article Section !

>>> Anniversary is in Feb 2008, but last year we did not mark it such
because our next issue was Linux Asia/Open Source India Week. But this time,
we will surely make it special.

Being a Linux magazine you guys are doing a great job.. But try to include a
small section for gadgets ... Please include wallpaper collection of 30-100
in Cd's :)

>>> Noted and passed to the LFY CD team. Do keep a look on the forthcoming

On thing.. Do go through this months PCWORLD Magzine.. I don't wanna compare
it.. But just check their presentation. I think they pwn every magazine in
terms of presentation.. I would like to see similarly pimped LFY :D In
future ;) I notice Blunders in term of content but the presentation is just
awesome :D

>>> We have tried different layouts, but once you have lotsa code and block
diagrams, the snazzy layouts just don't work. Plus, they have lotsa
investments pouring in, thus allowing them to afford one of the best paper
in the industry. Hopefully, we will be rich soon, and be able to use better
paper :)

Another Suggestion.. I just can't stop myself :p If possible. Do organize
Competition like Users Review/Tutorial Competition.. Organize this with the
help of sponsers and the person/user with the best review wins a gadget ..
:p Like ipod Nano ,PSP or something useful :p Digit organized the comp. and
they gave away laptops and ipod touch.. Note this is just a brainstorm.. Its
not necessary to do so :)

>>> Very nice suggestion. Let's see if we can get some gadget guys to
sponsor such a competition. I agree, this might turn out to be block-buster.
Thanks a ton for these suggestions.

CD TEAM: Pls take note of the pointers related to the CD & DVD, and do the



Brought the latest issue yesterday. They have shown that customer satisfaction is their first priority(unlike digit). They have changed the packing of DVD and now it is packed in a better one, and it is kept inside the mag to prevent any damage.
Borrowed the OpenSuSE 11.0 32bit DVD from my friend yesterday.
Its scratched, but maybe its because he is a messy guy.

I can't subscribe to LFY since I am out of funds by now. I wanted to cash in on that 50% off scheme, but I got delayed due to some misc. reasons and now the price jumped back to 1000 for an year from 600. :cry:


Oh I was wrong.It's seven years
LFY subscription
1 year-960Rs. (Save Rs. 240=20%)
2 Y- 1800(save Rs. 600=25%)
3 Y- 2520(save Rs. 1080=30%)
5 Y-3600(Save 2400=40%)
7 Y-3980 (Save 52%)
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