Windows Explorer vs Mac OS X Finder

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The Devil's Advocate
goobimama said:
Technologically inclined means someone who has some interest in technology. And those who are interested in technology are very very interested in the mac... Technologically knowledgeable are those know claim to know everything (I wonder who :Chin scratching smiley:)
there is a difference inclined means having interest not necessarily means having knowledge about it ... but technically knowledgable acc to ur english may mean knowing everything but acc to my english it means some 1 who knows something .... and ewen i say something means a little more than the 1 who only has interest ;) and u know that ... as of now u too are enjoying this bashing thread and hence are coming with these statements ... ur wish congratulations u just joined the club of blind mac salesman


The Devil's Advocate
they really dont have anything to say .... they will talk about a person's english and all sorts of non-sense with stupid statements like cut option is philosophical and what not .... in the beginning there was reasoning but upon the dawn of realization that the os x has genuine draw backs which they too did not realize they started deviating topics

In the zone
gx_saurav said:
Braking news : My Mac OS X installation is borked :D. Need to either reinstall or repair some how using MacDrive from within Windows.

Oh & for those who have never seen, this is how the kernel panic on Mac OS X looks like.


@ Goobi

My first PC was a P3 1GHz which my parents bought me, I never used to brag about it.

My current PC I bought myself, using the part time money I earned while designing, after selling my old P3 PC 2nd hand. And hell yeah I used to brag about it & my GFX card.....khud ki kamayi thi :D
i guess u tried to update os x from through update channel? if u r using hackintosh than u should not do this it remove the non mac kext from the system which result in such error.

and there is no need to reinstall os x again all u need to save those missing kext file back to its directory if u need any help meet me on gmail or macosx channel on freenode
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 Macboy
iMav said:
there is a difference inclined means having interest not necessarily means having knowledge about it ... but technically knowledgable acc to ur english may mean knowing everything but acc to my english it means some 1 who knows something .... and ewen i say something means a little more than the 1 who only has interest ;) and u know that ... as of now u too are enjoying this bashing thread and hence are coming with these statements ... ur wish congratulations u just joined the club of blind mac salesman

I hope these threads are not taken so personally as to bring about rifts in relationships. I hope its all cool outside this thread, such that we are all friends. GX, iMav, what say?

But inside this thread, I shall hunt you down like a rabid dog with three legs who runs faster than a leopard. I will take you down like Abhishek takes down those gundas in Dhoom 2, after he jumps out of the water like a bull-frog in his opening scene...

Now if you want to argue who is knowledgeable, you yourself said, someone who knows something. Now, HOW MUCH, is something? Surely the 'technologically inclined' knows something. Surely he/she knows a little more than my neighbour vasudev. The distinction is hardly of any worth. And wait a minute. Whoever said a "technologically inclined" person has no knowledge of computers? I know I said something in about that in my earlier post, but I wasn't thinking properly then... A technologically inclined person is a geek in most respects..

And as for Saurav saying that we are deviating from this thread, oh no my friend, we are not. After all, Socrates, was one who said that any argument needs to have all its terms defined...
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You gave been GXified said:
i guess u tried to update os x from through update channel? if u r using hackintosh than u should not do this it remove the non mac kext from the system which result in such error.

and there is no need to reinstall os x again all u need to save those missing kext file back to its directory if u need any help meet me on gmail or macosx channel on freenode
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa where were u yesterday? Somebody was right when he said, you get experience only after u need it the most.


The Devil's Advocate
no goobi a technological inclined person is not a geek in any sense and i already said how much is something ...

this forum itself has had members who post i have heard vista has compatibility issues is that true ... now thats a tech inclined person and a knowledgable 1 knows the truth which i can bet even praka, arya every1 knew but still for the sake of a fight they always brought up compatibility issues

PS: im cool man ... even i dont gx will bang u with his bike if he ever sees u in lucknow :D


Proud Mac Pro Owner
gx_saurav said:
Right, you do that & tell me if it shows where I am right now in Finder. I can't even copy paste the current address somewhere like this.
There's an optional Paths menu, or you can command-click on the title bar to see the hierarchy and go back through it.

If you want to view a file's path, there are several ways to view the hierarchical path to a particular file. Use any of these:
  • Set the Finder window view to Columns, and read the path from left to right.
  • Select the item in the Finder, then Command-click the icon of the enclosing folder that appears in the window's title bar.
  • Choose Customize Toolbar from the View menu in the Finder, then add the Path button to your toolbar.
You also think Mac is cheap.
I have never said the the Mac Pro is cheap. Mac Pro is priced competitively, that's what I've said.

Well your opinion is subjective
Press F9 and Exposé instantly tiles all of your open windows, scales them down and neatly arranges them, so you can see what’s in every single one.

Press F10, and Exposé instantly tiles all of your open, say, Photoshop windows while causing all of the open windows of other applications to fade to a delightful shade of grey. The clutter cleared, you can easily find the document you need.

Press F11 and Exposé hides all open windows, giving you instant access to your desktop. Want to open a document you just downloaded? Check to see if the CD or DVD you're burning in the background is ready? Or quickly locate and drag a file into an email as an enclosure? Exposé makes it a snap.

You can also use gestures -- moving the mouse over one of the display corners -- to activate any of the three Exposé actions. Simply use System Preference to assign each Exposé action to a different corner. And those who use a multi-button mouse can also assign Exposé actions to the extra buttons on your favorite rodent.

Isn't OS X more flexible than Windows?
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You gave been GXified
There's an optional Paths menu, or you can command-click on the title bar to see the hierarchy and go back through it.

If you want to view a file's path, there are several ways to view the hierarchical path to a particular file. Use any of these:
  • Set the Finder window view to Columns, and read the path from left to right.
  • Select the item in the Finder, then Command-click the icon of the enclosing folder that appears in the window's title bar.
  • Choose Customize Toolbar from the View menu in the Finder, then add the Path button to your toolbar.

None of this allows me to copy the path address like I can do in Windows Explorer.

Rest is subjective to Mac UI & isn't required in Windows.


Proud Mac Pro Owner
gx_saurav said:
Rest is subjective to Mac UI & isn't required in Windows.
The same is true about the 'Cut' option and some others in Mac OS X. The ways Mac OS X and Windows work are different.


You gave been GXified
nepcker said:
The same is true about the 'Cut' option and some others in Mac OS X. The ways Mac OS X and Windows work are different.

Lolz....again, nothing proper to say. Windows Exploer like said before many times, supports drag & drop as well as cut option while Mac doesn't. So which one u think gives more felxibility?

The thing which u can do in windows using one button or one hand, you need to press multiple keys in mac to do that. Example

1) Cycling tabs in safari = command+shift + ]. In IE = Ctrl+tab

2) Delete a file in Mac = Command + backspace. In Windows delete key

3) Open a File in Mac = command+O. In Windows just press the enter key

4) No insert key in Mac

5) No delete key in Mac

6) No support for Function keys locks

7) No Support for sticky keys


Aspiring Novelist
gx_saurav said:
No Support for sticky keys
The second most stupid "feature" in Windows right after the grouping similar Windows in the taskbar under one button "feature".

The path of any file can be copied from its Get Info window. One does not need to do that anyway as you can simply drag any file to a textbox and its path will be pasted there.


You gave been GXified
aryayush said:
The second most stupid "feature" in Windows right after the grouping similar Windows in the taskbar under one button "feature".

Typical Macboy : If Mac OS X lacks a feature, then it is not required. Anything which is not made by Apple or Mac OS shouldn't exist. Since you don't play games, u don't know how much sticky keys help.

[/quote]The path of any file can be copied from its Get Info window. One does not need to do that anyway as you can simply drag any file to a textbox and its path will be pasted there.[/quote]

And you call this convenient? I just tried to get the path of a file using the "Get Info" Menu. It said "Where : xxxx" but I was not able to "copy" this path. In Windows I can do this by just clicking on the address bar & copying.


Aspiring Novelist
My bad, I did not actually try to copy that. Why do you want to copy it anyway? Just answer the question and leave the stupid comments aside. Or even with those included, don't skate around answering this question.


You gave been GXified
aryayush said:
My bad, I did not actually try to copy that. Why do you want to copy it anyway? Just answer the question and leave the stupid comments aside. Or even with those included, don't skate around answering this question.
:-| jump 8 pages behind this page & read those 4 posts i wrote about why I need address bar.

The path bar in Mac only allows me to go behind from where I came. The breadcrumb bar in Vista allows me to go anywhere I want.


The Devil's Advocate
u have vista use it then u will understand its difficult to teach a kid about how things work unless they actually try it out themselves ;)


You gave been GXified
This is how the "Path" works in Mac.

It shows you the path up to root drive from where u r. You can jump to any folder directly in the backward tree.

This is how the Breadcrumb address bar in Vista works.


See the difference, just by clicking the address bar arrow I can jump directly to any folder inside a folder from where I came from.

I can also copy the address bar text. This comes in handy in situations such as

1) i am changing icons using Icon Packager. Now, I select a to change system folder icons & the icons are saved in d:\downloads\vista. Insted of going to that folder again & again, i can simply copy the address & paste it in open dialog to directly jump to that path.

There are several ways in which address bar comes in handy. The reason we Windows users don't open many explorer Windows & drag & drop because

1) We can do everything related to file management from one Explorer windows only.

2) We can jump from anywhere, to anywhere using the tree navigation

3) We can jump anywhere to anywhere using the breadcrumb bar

Just now, I had this image of breadcrumb bar saved somewhere in my computer. I just opened ACDSee & searched for "bread" & it showed me this pic. I copied the address of the folder where this file was & pasted the address in open dialog to jump directly to this image.


The other one
aryayush said:
The second most stupid "feature" in Windows right after the grouping similar Windows in the taskbar under one button "feature".

Very rude and foolish at the same time, :mad:

Sticky keys is a accessibility feature to aid handicapped users. It allows the user to press a modifier key like Shift, Ctrl, Alt, and have it remain active until another key is pressed.

After reading your rubbish statement, I have become sure of the fact that MAC has a feature for mentally handicapped people if not for physically handicapped.


You gave been GXified
Avatar said:
Very rude and foolish at the same time, :mad:

After reading your rubbish statement, I have become sure of the fact that MAC has a feature for mentally handicapped people if not for physically handicapped.
El Jobso has made Mac so easy , that any idiot can use Mac. Infact most of the idiots in this world use Mac :D. Including 3 people in this forum.
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